4 Month December Christmas Baby Photos

Baby is 4 months old for her first Christmas. My oldest son was super sweet to amuse his mom and dress up like Santa for a few pictures!

I absolutely lover her sweet smile! I found this re bucket at Goodwill along with a belt, so I glued it on and added some white fluff too!

“How the Grinch Stole Christmas”

My son had a “Candy Cane Dress Up Day” at school today, so he agreed to take a photo with Baby in her Santa dress!

Looking at the ornaments on the Christmas tree.

Playing with the lights was her favorite… I just had to keep her from eating them!

She hates being on her stomach, so she cried for most of these shots! But I LOVE the way they turned out!

“T’was the Night Before Christmas”

She tried to hold onto the ornaments, but had a difficult time commanding her hands to cooperate!

My little Santa Baby!

Baby Christmas Portraits

I like taking pictures of Baby J (13 months old), and I love Christmas too. J was such a good baby, he didn’t touch the tree when we taught him not to; but he did love playing with the ornaments when we gave him one.

He was just a month old for his first Christmas, so this year so much more fun with him.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… I love preparing for Christmas, and I usually start my planning a few months before. I’ll use some of these photos in my Christmas cards and defiantly include them in my scrapbooks.