Butterflies Day 4 -Butterfly vs. Moth

For the last day of our butterfly unit study we focused on the differences between butterflies and moths.  We made a Venn diagram, wrote and acrostic poem, studied a dead moth, and talked about how butterflies find their host plants.  This unit was fun with our live butterflies and we all learned a lot. Butterfly… Continue reading Butterflies Day 4 -Butterfly vs. Moth

Butterflies Day 3 -Butterfly Anatomy

Now we have moved on to the anatomy of butterflies and moths.  We experimented with how butterflies eat, discovered what symmetry  is, and made some butterfly snacks today. T loves when we make things with food, he is my big sweet eater! Butterfly & Moth Anatomy 1. Discuss: Explain that butterflies and moths are both insects. The order… Continue reading Butterflies Day 3 -Butterfly Anatomy

Butterflies Day 2 -Caterpillar Anatomy

Since butterflies start out as caterpillars we learned about the caterpillars anatomy for our second day of our butterfly unit study.  We had fun with some math, literature, crafts, spelling, and of course science.  We also made a caterpillar lunch today. Caterpillar Anatomy 1. Discuss: Butterflies do all of their growing during the larva stage (caterpillar). … Continue reading Butterflies Day 2 -Caterpillar Anatomy

Butterflies Day 1 -Life Cycle

For the first day of our butterfly unit study we learned about the butterfly life cycle.  We learned that the butterfly and the moth life cycles are very similar. We made some life cycle crafts and did some writing and reading as well. 1. Discuss: Ask the children “How do butterflies and moths grow? Do they start… Continue reading Butterflies Day 1 -Life Cycle

Butterfly Unit Study


In this unit study we learned about the life cycle of butterflies and moths, the anatomy of butterflies and moths, and the differences between butterflies and moths.  We also grew a butterfly and record our observations.  This unit study has 4 days worth of lessons, and it takes 3 to 4 weeks to grow the… Continue reading Butterfly Unit Study

Christopher Columbus Day 7

This is the last day of our Christopher Columbus Unit.  Today we reviewed a lot of map skills that we learned throughout this unit.  We have come to the end of our Christopher Columbus Unit.  There are many more lessons in Hands on History Christopher Columbus by Mary Tucker that we didn’t do.  Be sure to look through… Continue reading Christopher Columbus Day 7

Christopher Columbus Day 6

We learned about Columbus’ other trips to the New World (4 total) and about the end of his life.  We review some vocabulary words and a little about sailors of the time using our book, Hands on History Christopher Columbus by Mary Tucker.   We also made a paper world map from Columbus’ time as well. 1. Review: read… Continue reading Christopher Columbus Day 6

Christopher Columbus Day 5

Today we explored with Columbus farther South to Cuba and Haiti. We also learned about his return to Spain after his discovery of the New World and what a Coat of Arms is. We learned about another landform, mountains.   The boys had fun making a mountain cake and eating it! 1. Review: read “A New World” on… Continue reading Christopher Columbus Day 5

Christopher Columbus Day 4

Today we learned where Columbus landed and about the natives that he met when he arrived in the New World.  We learned about islands and that he was not in India like he thought he was.  Today we read and had a lot of discussion time, we also had fun with a few art projects.… Continue reading Christopher Columbus Day 4

Christopher Columbus Day 3

On this day we learned about Columbus’ 3 ships the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria.  We learned what life was like for the sailors on the ships and actually measure out how big the ships were.  J also learned about navigation in Columbus’ time and  got to explore outside with a compass. 1. Review: read “At Home… Continue reading Christopher Columbus Day 3