Monster Birthday Cake

I made a Monster birthday cake for my friends 1 year old. I also made some cupcakes to match. I bake two box cakes and then decorated with my homemade buttercream icing recipe. I decorated the monsters with M&M’s, Candy Eyes, Candy Corn, and other small candies. Buttercream Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup butter 1 cup… Continue reading Monster Birthday Cake

Minecraft Birthday -10

J loves Minecraft so he decided on a Minecraft party this year.  He is 10 years old and he loves Legos, science, and video games like any other 10 year old boys. He wanted his cake to look like the cake on the game so I tried my best. Buttercream Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup butter… Continue reading Minecraft Birthday -10

Softball / Basketball Cake

I made a cake for a friend’s daughter. She plays softball and basketball, so I made half of the cake a softball and the other half a basketball. I used my homemade buttercream recipe. Buttercream Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup butter 1 cup Crisco 4 cups powdered sugar (2 lbs) 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 tablespoon milk… Continue reading Softball / Basketball Cake

Backyardigans Party -4

J loves to watch The Backyardigans and play dress up.  I had a mirror set up low for the kids with a basket full of fun hats for them to try on and see themselves.  We played The Backyardigans theme song and the kids danced with their hats on.  J also loves music right now. … Continue reading Backyardigans Party -4