Halloween Pumpkin Carving -13

Our family has the same Halloween tradition as many other families. We love to carve pumpkins together and try new ways for carving. We always start by going to the pumpkin patch to choose our pumpkins!

My boys are not a fan of getting sticky or gooey. Gutting the pumpkin is always the most unpleasant thing for them, but I keep encouraging them to try it!

This year I placed nails in the pumpkin and let T hammer them in to create the holes. He loved using the hammer.

J and I tried a more difficult pumpkin carving of the Dragon! The boys were very happy with how they turned out.

Carmel apples is one of the favorite fall treats in our house. T just LOVES “dunk”, his way of saying “junk food”. We also tried sweet roasted pumpkin seeds.

Batman and Spiderman this year! These 2 absolutely love to dress up in costumes. We have so many costumes for them to play with all year long. We never buy new Halloween costumes, they just choose from their large stash of costumes. Then after Halloween I buy clearance costumes to use as Christmas and birthday gifts.