We have been dressing up for Halloween as a family for the past few years. Since the kids are getting older, this year we decided to participate in the Trunk-or-Treat event rather than attending it. We volunteered our trunk at each of the boys schools and also at our church. So we could use our Star Wars decorations more than once! Two of our event were moved in doors due to an early snowfall this year.

Star Wars Sign

- Black Poster Board
- White Paint and Paint Brush
- Print out a Star Wars logo
- Glue
- Pencil
- Glue the Star Wars logo to the top of the black board.
- I used a pencil to free hand the words on the sign “May the Faith be with You”.
- Then I covered the pencil with the white paint.
R2D2 Pumpkin

- Oval orange or white Pumpkin
- White and Grey Spray Paint
- Blue, Black, and Red Sharpies
- I spray painted the bottom half of the pumpkin white and the top half of the pumpkin grey.
- Let it dry VERY well, or the paint will come off with the Sharpies.
- Then I used the Sharpies to decorate the pumpkin to look like R2D2.
BB8 Pumpkin

- Large Round orange or white Pumpkin
- Tiny Flat orange or white Pumpkin
- White Spray Paint
- Orange, Black, and Silver Sharpies
- Spray paint the pumpkins white.
- Let it dry VERY well, or the paint will come off with the Sharpies.
- Then I used the Sharpies to decorate the pumpkin to look like BB8.
Star Wars Trunk
We decorated the trunk with a black table cloth hanging in the background. Then we hung white Christmas lights all around. We added some Star Wars Light Sabers with our sign and pumpkins. We passed out glow sticks instead of candy.

Star Wars Costumes
- Chewbacca (My older son had a Chewbacca onsie costume that he wore).
- Luke Skywalker (My younger son wore his Martial Arts top with a belt, some khaki pants, and wrapped some old white socks around this ankles. He also took one of his toy Light Sabers.)
- Princess Leia (I braided my hair on the side and wrapped it over my head. I also wore a white button shirt with khaki pants and boots. I had a tan jacket that I wore too. My son gave me a toy gun as well).