We had a bug themed party for T’s first birthday! I made bug balloons by filling latex balloons with helium and using rubber cement to hold them together. For the Bee Balloon I used 2 yellow balloons and wrapped some black electrical tape around for the bee’s stripes. Then I used tissue paper for the wings, black pipe cleaner for the antenna, and googly eyes for eyes. I added a mouth with black sharpie. For the Ladybug Balloon I found some red balloons with black spots. I glued a small black balloon for the head, used googly eyes for the eyes, and black pipe cleaner for the antenna again. For the Caterpillar Balloon glued together 4 green balloons and used green pipe cleaner for the legs and antenna. I used a sharpie for the mouth and added googly eyes to the caterpillar as well. I set them up outside and it was a bit too windy for the balloons, most of them ended up popping before the end of the party!

We grilled burgers and hot dogs for lunch. We also had ants on a lot and ladybug watermelon balls (I just put mini chocolate chips in the watermelon balls.) I taped black construction paper ants to my red and white checkered table cloth.

I filled red, green, and yellow water balloons for the kids to play with.

I got kind of carried away with the desserts and ended up making 3 sweets. We had gummy worms in chocolate pudding with crushed Oreo’s on top. We had a beehive cake with cream cheese frosting and bees made out of chocolate covered almonds and mini marshmallow wings. And we had caterpillar cupcakes with candy faces.

I had my sister-in-law, Cloninger Photography, take T’s 1 year old photos and they turned out great!

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Boy! I love you!
I have tons of other kids party themes: