Family Teen Halloween Festivities

The kids are growing up so we tried some more activities geared toward teens this year!


Fall Foods

Hot Cocoa & Apple Cider

Carmel Apples (red, green, yellow apples) with mini chocolate chips, chopped nuts, and sprinkles

Roasted Hot Dogs


Chili with cheese, crackers and corn chips

Homemade Chili Recipe


  • Chili Brick
  • 2 lb. ground beef
  • 3 cans of kidney beans
  • 1 can tomato soup
  • 1 Cup water


  1. Brown the beef and drain.
  2. Mix all of the ingredients in a big pot and bring to boil.
  3. Lower heat and simmer until chili brick is dissolved, at least an hour, stirring occasionally.

Pumpkin Carving

Candy vs. Chocolate

This was one of the kids favorite activities this year!

Storm Trunk -or- Treat

Cousin Fall Forest Photos

We went to the backyard forest for these pictures. These three girls are cousins; we decided to take the pictures for as a Christmas gift for the grandparents.

We did get a couple smiles from the tiny one.

The picnic table was a fun addition to our photoshoot.

Little Miss Storm wasn’t interested in cooperating with her smiles today.

X-Men Trunk-or-Treat

This year it was unanimous that we wanted to dress as the X-men for Storm! I found most of the costumes at used clothing stores and made most of the other props.

X-Men Sign


  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Brown Spray Paint
  • Gold Sharpie
  • Cricut to cut letters


  1. Cut a large oval and small circle from the cardboard.
  2. Paint both brown.
  3. Cut out letters with the Cricut and attach to the sign.
  4. Use the Sharpie to make a gold ring around the oval and circle. Make a gold X in the circle.

Mutant Pumpkins

I took the kids to the pumpkin patch to find pumpkins. They choose “mutant pumpkins” which were perfect for our Trunk-or-Treat theme of X-Men.

X-Men Trunk

I decorated the trunk to look like the gate/wall outside of Professor X’s school. Stone wall, vines, sign with address for the school, and some “mutant pumpkins”. We dressed as the characters in the 80’s Animated X-Men Series.

X-Men Costumes


I made Storm’s costume from an old white onesie and some yellow ribbon. I also made the red circular “X” badges out of some buttons. She is the reason that we chose to dress as the X-men this year!

Professor X

My 15 year old son dressed as Professor Xavier. We barrowed my mother-in-law’s wheel chair and I found a green suit and blue tie at Goodwill. It was a perfect find!


My son’s girlfriend dressed as Jubilee. We found all of her pieces to her outfit at Goodwill as well. The gloves are just yellow, rubber dish gloves. I made her glasses with paint pens and an old pair of sunglasses that I found. I made the earring from the red buttons that I used from Storm’s costume. People who watched the cartoon as kids knew exactly who she was!


My younger son wanted to be Gambit, so I found a Gambit T-Shirt on Amazon. Then he used a large brown and a ski mask. The wig was from Goodwill sold brand new!


My step daughter wanted to be Phoenix, so I found a Phoenix T-Shirt on Amazon. Then she used a green tights and boots with yellow dish gloves. The wig was from Goodwill sold brand new!


I dressed as Rogue and found Rogue T Shirt on Amazon. I wore green tights, an olive colored jacket, black headband, gold boots, and yellow dish gloves. I made the X’Men coms with red foam and a black sharpie, then we pinned the to our outfits!


My husband dressed as Wolverine. I found his Wolverine shirt on Amazon too. The boys also had some claws in their play stuff, but we lost one, so he just had 1 claw in this photo!

Princess Carriage Pumpkin Carving

I got a white pumpkin with 2 little pumpkins to make a Cinderella Pumpkin Carriage for Storm. I also used the gem stickers to decorate it.

First we cut of the top and pulled out the pumpkin insides.

She tasted the lid before replacing it.

Then I carved a coach door and windows.

Next I added some blue gem stickers to the carriage and some sliver gem stickers to the smaller pumpkins for the wheels.

Last I added a Cinderella crown to the top of the pumpkin.


2 Month Cinderella Baby Photos

I chose Disney’s  Cinderella  for the October princess since there is a pumpkin in the movie. It makes me think of fall and I think it would be fun for future Cinderella pictures.

This cute baby Cinderella costume was given to her before she was born. I also bought her this silver headband crown.

I placed a light  white sheet for the background and then a fluffy baby pad for her to lay on. I love ivy and pumpkins. I wanted to incorporate the pumpkins, but I didn’t want to have bright orange in my magical fairyland; so I spray painted sliver onto some pumpkins and they turned out great! I found her these silver  star magic wand , glass slipper, and silver castle.

I used my EOS 2000D Canon Rebel Camera to take her princess photos. I also use my softbox photography lighting and backdrop rod to help.

Baby Princess Cinderella

Jerimiah 23:19 “See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.”

You might enjoy some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

Or some of her other Baby Photoshoots:

2 Month October Pumpkin Baby Photos

Two months old this October, and I love pumpkins! It was a bit chilly so I had to do an outfit change at the last minute. I was just going to do the tutu and bow, but added the overalls; it turned out so adorable!

I used a basket that I found in the kitchen and the crate that we use to keep things in the living room, so I didn’t have to buy any props except the pumpkins!

She really did not enjoy this photo shoot very much, but I did manage to get a smile near the end.

Star Wars Trunk-or-Treat

We have been dressing up for Halloween as a family for the past few years. Since the kids are getting older, this year we decided to participate in the Trunk-or-Treat event rather than attending it. We volunteered our trunk at each of the boys schools and also at our church. So we could use our Star Wars decorations more than once! Two of our event were moved in doors due to an early snowfall this year.

Star Wars Sign


  • Black Poster Board
  • White Paint and Paint Brush
  • Print out a Star Wars logo
  • Glue
  • Pencil


  1. Glue the Star Wars logo to the top of the black board.
  2. I used a pencil to free hand the words on the sign “May the Faith be with You”.
  3. Then I covered the pencil with the white paint.

R2D2 Pumpkin


  • Oval orange or white Pumpkin
  • White and Grey Spray Paint
  • Blue, Black, and Red Sharpies


  1. I spray painted the bottom half of the pumpkin white and the top half of the pumpkin grey.
  2. Let it dry VERY well, or the paint will come off with the Sharpies.
  3. Then I used the Sharpies to decorate the pumpkin to look like R2D2.

BB8 Pumpkin


  • Large Round orange or white Pumpkin
  • Tiny Flat orange or white Pumpkin
  • White Spray Paint
  • Orange, Black, and Silver Sharpies


  1. Spray paint the pumpkins white.
  2. Let it dry VERY well, or the paint will come off with the Sharpies.
  3. Then I used the Sharpies to decorate the pumpkin to look like BB8.

Star Wars Trunk

We decorated the trunk with a black table cloth hanging in the background. Then we hung white Christmas lights all around. We added some Star Wars Light Sabers with our sign and pumpkins. We passed out glow sticks instead of candy.

Star Wars Costumes

  • Chewbacca (My older son had a Chewbacca onsie costume that he wore).
  • Luke Skywalker (My younger son wore his Martial Arts top with a belt, some khaki pants, and wrapped some old white socks around this ankles. He also took one of his toy Light Sabers.)
  • Princess Leia (I braided my hair on the side and wrapped it over my head. I also wore a white button shirt with khaki pants and boots. I had a tan jacket that I wore too. My son gave me a toy gun as well).