X-Men Trunk-or-Treat

This year it was unanimous that we wanted to dress as the X-men for Storm! I found most of the costumes at used clothing stores and made most of the other props.

X-Men Sign


  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Brown Spray Paint
  • Gold Sharpie
  • Cricut to cut letters


  1. Cut a large oval and small circle from the cardboard.
  2. Paint both brown.
  3. Cut out letters with the Cricut and attach to the sign.
  4. Use the Sharpie to make a gold ring around the oval and circle. Make a gold X in the circle.

Mutant Pumpkins

I took the kids to the pumpkin patch to find pumpkins. They choose “mutant pumpkins” which were perfect for our Trunk-or-Treat theme of X-Men.

X-Men Trunk

I decorated the trunk to look like the gate/wall outside of Professor X’s school. Stone wall, vines, sign with address for the school, and some “mutant pumpkins”. We dressed as the characters in the 80’s Animated X-Men Series.

X-Men Costumes


I made Storm’s costume from an old white onesie and some yellow ribbon. I also made the red circular “X” badges out of some buttons. She is the reason that we chose to dress as the X-men this year!

Professor X

My 15 year old son dressed as Professor Xavier. We barrowed my mother-in-law’s wheel chair and I found a green suit and blue tie at Goodwill. It was a perfect find!


My son’s girlfriend dressed as Jubilee. We found all of her pieces to her outfit at Goodwill as well. The gloves are just yellow, rubber dish gloves. I made her glasses with paint pens and an old pair of sunglasses that I found. I made the earring from the red buttons that I used from Storm’s costume. People who watched the cartoon as kids knew exactly who she was!


My younger son wanted to be Gambit, so I found a Gambit T-Shirt on Amazon. Then he used a large brown and a ski mask. The wig was from Goodwill sold brand new!


My step daughter wanted to be Phoenix, so I found a Phoenix T-Shirt on Amazon. Then she used a green tights and boots with yellow dish gloves. The wig was from Goodwill sold brand new!


I dressed as Rogue and found Rogue T Shirt on Amazon. I wore green tights, an olive colored jacket, black headband, gold boots, and yellow dish gloves. I made the X’Men coms with red foam and a black sharpie, then we pinned the to our outfits!


My husband dressed as Wolverine. I found his Wolverine shirt on Amazon too. The boys also had some claws in their play stuff, but we lost one, so he just had 1 claw in this photo!