Baby Book List (3-6 months)

Reading to bitty babies may seem pointless, but there are several great things about reading to the tiny ones! It lets them have your full attention and hear the sound of the voice that they love, which can sooth them. It helps them learn the love of books, reading, and learning. Encourages them to learn how to hold books and turn pages. Exposes them to rhyme and other language development. Reading is a great life long skill that you can start now with your little one.

Here are a few of our favorite books for new babies…

Where is Monkey? by Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz

In My Tree by Sara Gillingham & Lorena Siminovich

Freight Train by Donald Crews

Hello Bugs by Smriti Prasadam

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and other favorite bedtime rhymes by Sanja Rescek

Hokey Pokey Elmo by Abigail Tabby

Why I Love my Mommy by Daniel Howarth (My favorite)

Here are some of the books that my other children are reading now days…

10 year old boy: Wings of Fire series and Dragon Master series.

15 year old boy: Lord of the Rings series and History of Middle Earth series; also a few other books by Tolkien.

As a family we are reading the Tuttle Twins series before bed at night.