Today we reviewed all of the rainbow colors before moving on to the browns and grays!
- What Makes a Rainbow? By Betty Schwarz
- Rainbow Colors Peekaboo! By Dawn Sirett
- Freight Train by Donald Crews
- Colors Sophie la Girafe by Dawn Sirett

If You Are Wearing Red
If you are wearing red, Shake your head,
If you are wearing red, Shake your head,
If you are wearing red,
Then please shake your head.
If you are wearing red, shake your head.
Blue, touch your shoe
Green, bow like a queen
Yellow, Shake like Jell-O
Discuss: What are the colors of the rainbow? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple
We used our Dot Magnets and our Dot Daubers on the Rainbow Do-A-Dot page.

Rainbow Color Activities:
- Teachers Pay Teachers Jumbo Coloring Book
- Match color pompoms on pattern cards.

- Sort buttons into colored bowls

- Sort pattern blocks onto different colors of construction paper.
- Lacing Buttons, lace the matching colored buttons onto the matching colored strings.
- Sorting play foods onto color construction paper

- Hop on Colors

- Sort colored alphabet cards by color

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned: