I made Fruit Pizza and Vegge Pizza for Easter this year. This is also the first year that I made a homemade Easter meal for the family. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic we had to stay home rather than going to family’s houses for Easter dinner.

Fruit Pizza
- 1 Sugar Cookie Dough
- 1 Marshmallow Cream
- 1 Cream Cheese
- Fruit

- First grease a cookie sheet and place roll out the sugar cookie dough in the shape of an Easter egg.
- Bake at 350 for 12 minutes.
- Let it completely cool.
- Mix together the marshmallow cream and the cream cheese and cover the cookie egg.
- Cut the fruit to small pieces and decorate the Easter egg.

Vegge Pizza
- 1 Crescent Roll Dough
- 1 Ranch Packet
- 1 Cream Cheese
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Shredded Cheddar Cheese

- First grease a cookie sheet and place crescent roll triangles on the sheet.
- Bake at 350 for 8 minutes.
- Let it completely cool.
- Mix together the ranch packet and the cream cheese and cover the triangles.
- Chop the broccoli and place on the wide end of the triangles.
- Shred the carrot and cover the rest of the triangles.
- Add shredded cheddar to the carrot portion of the triangles.
- They should look like triangle carrots 🙂

Traditional Easter
Even though we had to stay home we tried to have all of the traditional Easter fun that we usually do (except attending church)… egg dying, egg hunting, and Easter baskets!