2 Year Old Elsa Toddler Photos

Disney’s Frozen is such a sweet movie (makes me cry every time). She likes the snow and the thought winter as much as Olaf loves the thought of summer. She loves to cuddle her Stuffed Olaf.

Princess Elsa is such a loving sister. She loves her sister Anna so much that she keeps herself hidden away to protect Anna from her untrained powers.

Storm is also turning out to be a loving girl. She loves her baby niece more than anything, and asks every day if she will be spending the day with us.

She loves getting all dressed up and says, “Pretty like a Princess”. I tried an easy loose braid, but she absolutely hates when I mess with her hair. She wore an Elsa dress , these white flats and her blue  earrings are from a multi color pack. We took these picture with a blue sheet for the background. I also added some Christmas lights behind the sheet to like like snowflakes, then I hung a snowflake from the ceiling. I used a snowflake tablecloth for the floor.

Romans 12:9 “Let love be sincere; hate what is evil, hold on to what is good”.

Below she is Elsa 1 year apart in each photo…

You might enjoy Storm’s other Elsa photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

17 Month Old Elsa Toddler Photos

Disney’s Frozen  is a family fun movie. Elsa’s dream is to keep her family safe, and she save’s the kingdom from a flood. Of course every Disney princess has a sidekick, and Olaf is such a thoughtful one.

Elsa is a powerful, graceful, and creative girl.

I like to sing an uplifting song to her, I sing to her is to the tune of “Mary had a Little Lamb”…

“Storm is a creative girl
Creative girl, creative girl
Storm is a creative girl
She’s my creative girl”

Our new Husky pup joined in on her pictures! It actually snowed the weekend that she turned 17 months old… this was perfect for our Frozen Elsa pictures. She took her Stuffed Olaf out with us, and I found this tiny wooden sled at the thrift store. I got the big silver snowflake at the dollar store too.

I was glad that her Elsa dress was long sleeves and a bit thicker, I still put a long sleeve white onesie under it with thick white tights for more warmth. She also wore her white sandals and Elsa bow from her princess bow set. Her blue  earrings are from a multi color pack that I found on Amazon.

Ecclesiastes 7:19 “Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful than ten rulers in a city..”

You might enjoy Storm’s other Elsa photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots: