Family Teen Halloween Festivities

The kids are growing up so we tried some more activities geared toward teens this year!


Fall Foods

Hot Cocoa & Apple Cider

Carmel Apples (red, green, yellow apples) with mini chocolate chips, chopped nuts, and sprinkles

Roasted Hot Dogs


Chili with cheese, crackers and corn chips

Homemade Chili Recipe


  • Chili Brick
  • 2 lb. ground beef
  • 3 cans of kidney beans
  • 1 can tomato soup
  • 1 Cup water


  1. Brown the beef and drain.
  2. Mix all of the ingredients in a big pot and bring to boil.
  3. Lower heat and simmer until chili brick is dissolved, at least an hour, stirring occasionally.

Pumpkin Carving

Candy vs. Chocolate

This was one of the kids favorite activities this year!

Storm Trunk -or- Treat

Halloween Bonfire -11

We had a Halloween Bonfire again this year.  This time we set up a table outside with all the pumpkin carving tools and told people to bring their own pumpkins to carve. The boys actually helped us gut the pumpkins this year… in the past they have said it was too slimy for them. T really like looking at the candles in them. It was fun making jack-o-lanterns together!

We roasted hot dogs and smores too. This was the biggest bonfire that we have ever had, was a fun time!

I bought caramel apples this year instead of making them… they were much better! J just LOVES caramel apples!

Check out our fun Halloween Bonfire from last year!

Halloween Bonfire -10

We decided to have a bonfire for Halloween this year.  First we went to a nearby pick-your-own pumpkin patch to choose two big pumpkins.  We rode in a wagon pulled by a tractor to the pumpkin patch.  After choosing our two pumpkins we placed them in the wagon with T and pulled them to the car so we could take them home and carve them.

My husband and I decided to try more difficult designs this year.  We each choose our design and dug in, the carving defiantly took longer than our usual triangle eyes and toothy smile jack-o-lanterns.  In the end we were very pleased with our work.

We roasted hot dogs for dinner, and had soda for drinks.

We roasted smores for dessert and had homemade caramel apples and candy corn too.

The kids loved it and we all had a great time!