Well, that went by fast! He’s graduating high school; seems like he just started Kindergarten! He is still by brilliant boy, graduating a year early and starting his college classes this fall.

I am so impressed with Josiah, he loves music and tries teaches himself guitar and piano. He also studies music and tries likes to make up some compositions himself. He plays on the worship team at church on Sundays and Wednesdays, and also played for chapel day at his high school for the past few years.

Along with music, Josiah is also a genius with science and computers. He is excited to start his computer science classes this fall. He will also be minoring in music.

Some of Josiah’s other interests are studying Lord of the Rings, playing strategic board games (it’s always a challenge for me to beat him), and spending time outside with his cousins.

I am so proud of him and try to support him in all that he does.
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