Valentine’s Day Preschool

My 4 year old wanted to have some fun this Valentine’s Day. I printed out Valentine’s Day Preschool / Toddler Math & Literacy Activity Pack Worksheets from Teacher’s Pay Teachers, which had lots of fun activities.

Strawberry Shapes Cut & Glue

Storm cut out the strawberry shapes. She told me the name of each shape as she glued it to the Strawberry Patch. The shapes included circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, diamond, star, heart, crescent.

Flower Colors Cut & Glue

She cut out the flower colors. She told me the name of each color as she glued it to the Flower Garden. The colors included red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, black, white, gray.

The Valentine’s Day Preschool Pack also included many other cut and glue pages that she enjoyed.

Painting Ceramics

She got a ceramic butterfly bank to paint with acrylic paints.

Flower Play Dough

We made this homemade flower play dough using the recipe from the Valentine’s Day Preschool Pack. We added lavender essential oils and glitter to make it more fun. Then Storm rolled out the dough and used my Wilton heart cutters to place hearts on the Flower Play Dough Mat.

Heart Colors Matching Game

I printed out and she helped me cut up the colorful hearts from the Valentine’s Day Preschool Pack to play the heart matching game together.

Butterfly Life Cycle

We printed the butterfly life cycle and the 2 Corinthians 5:17 Valentine’s Day Preschool Pack. Then we got out our Butterfly Life Cycle Stages figurines for her to play with as well.

Coloring Pages

Here are a few of the coloring pages from the Valentine’s Day Preschool Pack. These covered shapes, colors, and numbers. There are also some Bible Verse pages too.

Valentine Volcano

This was one of her favorite activities today. We made the volcano in a clear glass heart dish and added glitter. After we made the volcano she played with it for a long time. We got this Valentine Volcano from the Valentine’s Day Preschool Pack too.

Trace & Color Pages

Here are a few of the tracing pages from the Valentine’s Day Preschool Pack. These pages covered the shapes and the numbers.


Shapes Tot School

We are learning shapes this month. We spent a couple days on each shape, basically however long she needed to remember the new shape. Storm is 2 years old, but you could use most of these activities for 3 and 4 year old children as well.

Shapes Book List

Book Series about Shapes:

Molly Dingles Series of Shape Books (also have Spanish edition):

Day 1:  Circle



Bagel, Potato chips, Strawberry slices, Pepperoni, Salami


Day 2:  Square



Cheese it’s, Sandwich, Cheese slice


Day 3: Triangle



Quesadilla, Doritos, Watermelon Slice, Pizza


Day 4: Rectangle



Graham Crackers, Cheese Slices


Day 5: Star



Star Fruit, star shaped cereal


Day 6: Heart





Day 7: Oval



Grapes, Hard Boiled Egg


Day 8: Diamond



Frosted Mini Wheats


Day 9: Crescent



Banana, Apple Slices, Croissant, Mac-N-Cheese


More Shape Activities


Preschool Clown Shapes

He painted a different color each day and I cut them into shapes. He LOVES painting! I wrote the name of the shape on each one and then I placed the shapes on the wall with a clown juggling them.

He cut the different shapes from playdough too. I also made felt shapes (look in the background of the picture below) for him to play with.

Teaching him brings me such joy… I absolutely love see him learn new things. Don’t forget to check out my Preschool Clown Colors post as well.