I feel like Frozen is every girls favorite. She is starting to learn the songs now. We love playing it in the dvd player in the car every January to prepare her for her Elsa photoshoot!

Elsa is a powerful princess. She is learning how to control her powers and doesn’t want to hurt her family while she figures it out. She will do anything to protect her sister from getting hurt by her powers, even isolate herself from Anna. I love that the “one true love” at the end of the movie is the sister rather than the boy this time.
Storm also loves her family and tells me several times a day “Mom,” waits for me to answer and says, “I love you!” She is learning everyday too, and discovering new strengths as she grows.

We took her Elsa pictures in the front yard after out biggest snow ever. We had 17 inches in 24 hours! She wore an Elsa dress that someone had given to us last year with a crown that we found with blue hearts. She wore boots this year because of so much snow, and she wore her blue earrings are from a multi color pack that I bought when she was a baby. I put a loose braid in her hair and tried to put it over their shoulder. She wanted to bring out her giant stuffed Olaf and some snowflakes that we had.

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Storm has dressed as Elsa on January 17 every year of her short life!
You might enjoy Storm’s other Elsa photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots: