The Pocahontas Disney movie is one of my recent favorites, since I have started reading about the history of the United States. We love playing in the dvd player in the car every November to prepare her for her Pocahontas photoshoot!

Pocahontas is a respectful of nature and people. She is always outside with the river or mountains or cornfields. She spends time with her Grandmother Willow and the animals that live with her. Pocahontas tries to teach her new friend how to respect nature as well.
Storm loves nature as well. At school they call her “The Flower Hunter”. She can find wild flowers no matter what season. She also loves being outside and learning about animals too.

We went to a local park to take her Pocahontas photos this year. She wore her beautiful long hair down, to flow in the wind! She also had on a turquoise necklace that I had found at a consignment shop, and her turquoise earrings that we bought last year. She wore her Pocahontas dress that we bought last year after Halloween. I had her wear black leggings since it was colder this time of year than it has in the past. Last, she wore her golden sandals.

Amos 4:13 He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness

Storm has dressed as Pocahontas on November 17 every year of her short life!
You might enjoy Storm’s other Pocahontas photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots: