Tot-School Pink Day



Tune: “I’m a Little Teapot”

I’m a little piggy
With a round pig nose.
I’m all pink
From my head to my toes.

Here’s my piggy tail,
As you can see,
It’s pink and curly
As it can be.
–Elizabeth Scofield

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is pink).  Have the child point to the pink car. (We used Cocomelon flashcards today)

Word Recognition:  Print the Pink paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something pink? Pig, heart, flamingo, etc…
  • “I spy something pink…”

Snack:  hot dogs, strawberry smoothie, raspberries covered with sugar, salami, ham, pink unicorn pudding, pink pop tart

Pink Playdough

Get out any pink play dough and pink play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Pink Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are PINK (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and pink paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the pink paper.

Play with Pink Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a pink one for her to play with today.

PINK word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the pink pictures onto the PINK word.

Pink Hearts


  • Pink Paint
  • White Paper
  • Paper Plate
  • Marker


  1. Draw a hart around it.ot to follow directions
  2. Pour some paint on the plate.
  3. Dip the child’s foot in the paint.
  4. Place the foot print on the paper.
  5. Dip the other foot in the paint and put it on the paper with the heels in the same spot but the toes off to the side a bit.

Pink Princess Dress Up

She got to play in her Princess Dress Up dress today.

PINK Baby Bin

I made a Baby Bin filled with pink toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School White Day



Tune: “Jingle Bells”

Sing for white, sing for white,
Let’s all sing for white.
Sing for eggs and sing for clouds,
Sing for snow so bright.

Sing for milk, sing for chalk,
Sing for cotton, too.
And sing for little polar bears,
That live down at the zoo.
–Elizabeth Scofield

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is white).  Have the child point to the white car.

Word Recognition:  Print the white paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something white? Baseball, daisy, sheep, etc…
  • “I spy something white…”

Snack:  Milk, Yogurt, Powdered Donuts, White Chocolate Pudding, Popcorn, Coconut, Cottage Cheese, cheese sticks, Quesadilla, Marshmallows, Hard Boiled Egg, Cauliflower

White Playdough

Get out any white play dough and white play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

White Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are WHITE (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), black and white paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the black paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the white paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with White Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a white one for her to play with today.

WHITE word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the white pictures onto the WHITE word.

Egg Shapes



  1. Ask child what color the eggs are.
  2. Open all of the eggs and show the child how to match up the shapes.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions, practice fine motor skills

Snow Play

Luckily we had snow recently, so she got to go sledding.


I made a Baby Bin filled with white and black toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Brown Day



Tune: “Three Blind Mice”

Three brown bears, three brown bears.
See all their beds, see all their chairs.
The mommy cooked in a big brown pot.
The daddy’s porridge was much too hot.
The baby bear always cried a lot.
Three brown bears.
–Judith E. McNitt

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is brown).  Have the child point to the brown car.

Word Recognition:  Print the Brown paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something brown? Acorn, chocolate, bear, etc…
  • “I spy something brown…”

Snack:  Waffles with Maple Syrup, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Chocolate Milk, peanuts, chocolate, Banana bread, Pretzels, Almonds

Brown Playdough

Get out any brown play dough and brown play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Brown Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are BROWN (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and brown paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the brown paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Brown Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a brown one for her to play with today.

BROWN word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the yellow pictures onto the BROWN word.

Football Lacing


  • Brown Construction Paper
  • Scissors
  • Hole Punch
  • White Crayon
  • Brown Shoe Lace


  1. Cut a football from brown construction paper, draw the laces on the middle of it with the white crayon, and laminate it.
  2. Punch holes around it.
  3. Let the child lace the around the football with the shoe lace.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions, teach fine motor skills

BROWN Baby Bin

I made a Baby Bin filled with brown toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Black Day




Two little black birds,

Sitting on a hill. (Hold up two hands, fingers spread)

One named Jack, (Flap fingers on one hand)

One named Jill. (Flap fingers on other hand)

Fly away Jack. (Flap fingers on first hand and bring behind back)

Fly away Jill. (Flap fingers on other hand and bring behind back.)

Come back Jack. (Jack flies back out,)

Come back Jill. (Jill flies out)

Two little black birds, (Hold hands out fingers spread)

Back on the hill. Happy together. Together still.

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is black).  Have the child point to the black car.

Word Recognition:  Print the Black paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something black?  Spider, bat, car, etc…
  • “I spy something black…”

Snack:  Raisins, Black Licorice, Olives, Oreos, Blackberries, Black Beans

BLACK Playdough

Get out any black play dough and black play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Black Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are BLACK (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and black paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the black paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Black Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a black one for her to play with today.

BLACK word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the yellow pictures onto the BLACK word.

Black Spider Prints



  1. Set out the black ink pad and let the child make finger prints on the white paper.
  2. Use the black pen to draw 8 legs and 2 eyes on each print to make the spiders.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions


I made a Baby Bin filled with black and white toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Orange Day




Orange treats, orange treats, yum, yum, yum.
Which will I choose, oh what fun.
Will it be a carrot, crunchy and sweet?
Will it be orange sections, juicy and sweet?
Will it be orange sherbet, icy and sweet?
What will I choose for my afternoon treat?
–Jean Warren

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is orange).  Have the child point to the orange car.

Word Recognition:  Print the Orange paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something orange? Oranges, goldfish, tigers, etc…
  • “I spy something orange…”

Snack:  Oranges, Carrots, Orange Juice, Macaroni and Cheese, Orange Sherbet, Cheese, Cantaloupe, Peach, Spaghetti, Cheetos

Orange Playdough

Get out any orange play dough and orange play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Orange Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are ORANGE (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and orange paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the orange paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Orange Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a orange one for her to play with today.

ORANGE word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the yellow pictures onto the ORANGE word.

Paper Plate Pumpkin


  • Paper Plate
  • Orange Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Black and Green Construction Paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors


  1. Paint the paper plate orange.
  2. Cut out eyes and mouth shapes from the black paper.
  3. Glue the face on the pumpkin to make a jack-o-lantern.
  4. Cut out a stem and leaf from the green paper.
  5. Glue the stem on the pumpkin.


I made a Baby Bin filled with orange toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Purple Day



Tune: “Three Blind Mice”

We love purple, we love purple.
Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
Purple grapes and eggplant,
Purple plums and grape juice,
Just for me, just for you.
–Heather McPhail

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is purple).  Have the child point to the purple car. (we used bows today)

Word Recognition:  Print the Purple paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something purple? Plum, violets, jam, etc…
  • “I spy something purple…”

Snack:  Blackberry Smoothie, Grape juice, Plums, Grapes, Cabbage, Blackberries, Grape Jelly, Purple Jello

Blackberry Smoothie


  • 1 Cup Blackberries
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 Cup almond milk (or coconut milk)


  1. Blend the berries in a blender, scrape the sides.
  2. Add the banana and blend more, scrape the sides.
  3. Add the milk and blend until smooth.

Purple Playdough

Get out any purple play dough and purple play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Purple Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are PURPLE (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and purple paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the purple paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Purple Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons. Today we played with a purple dancing scarf instead of a balloon.

PURPLE word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the yellow pictures onto the PURPLE word.

Planting Purple Tulips


  • Purple Construction Paper
  • Craft Sticks
  • Egg Carton


  1. Cut tulip shapes from the paper and glue a craft stick to them.
  2. Turn the egg carton upside down and cut slits in each egg part.
  3. The child can plant the tulips in the different slits.
  4. Count how many tulips he planted.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions


I made a Baby Bin filled with purple toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Green Day



Tune: “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”

There’s a color we all know,
It’s the color that means “Go!”
Oh, grass is green and lettuce is green,
Leaves and spinach and peas are green,
There’s a color we all know,
–Elizabeth Scofield

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is green).  Have the child point to the green car.

Word Recognition:  Print the green paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something green? Frog, tree, grapes, etc…
  • “I spy something green…”

Snack:  Green Sugar Cookie, Grapes, Green Beans, Honeydew, Kiwi, Lettuce, Cucumber, Green Apple, Green Koolaid, Pickle

Green Playdough

Get out any green play dough and green play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Green Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are GREEN (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and green paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the green paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Green Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a green one for her to play with today.

GREEN word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the yellow pictures onto the GREEN word.

Shopping for Green Food



  1. Put play food in a shopping basket.
  2. Have the child pick out all of the green foods and place them on her plate.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions

GREEN Baby Bin

I made a Baby Bin filled with green toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Blue Day



Tune: “Three Blind Mice”

We love blue. We love blue.
Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
We love the ocean and sky so blue.
We love blue ribbons and blue jeans, too.
We love blueberries, so good for you.

We love blue.
–Liz Ryerson

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is blue).  Have the child point to the blue car.

Word Recognition:  Print the Blue paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something blue? Blueberries, train, jeans, etc…
  • “I spy something blue…”

Snack:  Blueberries, Blue Jello, Blue Popsicle, Blue Gatorade, Blue Chips, Blue Unicorn Pudding

Blue Playdough

Get out any blue play dough and blue play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Blue Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are BLUE (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and blue paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the blue paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Blue Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a blue one for her to play with today.

BLUE word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the blue pictures onto the BLUE word.

Blue Fish Painting


  • White paper
  • Blue paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Masking tape
  • Googly Eye


  1. Use the masking tape to make the shape of a fish on the white paper.
  2. Let the child paint the whole paper blue.
  3. After it dries peel off the masking tape.
  4. Add a googly eye.  It looks like you have a blue fish swimming in blue water now.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions

BLUE Baby Bin

I made a Baby Bin filled with blue toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Yellow Day




Yellow sun, oh what fun.
Now we all can play.
I will wear my yellow suit
And swim out in the bay.

Yellow sun, in the sky
Shinning down on me.
I will play out in the sun,
Then rest beneath a tree.

–Jean Warren

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is yellow).  Have the child point to the yellow car.

Word Recognition:  Print the Yellow paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something yellow? Sunshine, bumble bee, cheese, etc…
  • “I spy something yellow…”

Snack:  Bananas, Lemonade, Lemon pudding, Pineapple, Corn, Kix, Eggs

Yellow Playdough

Get out any yellow play dough and yellow play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Yellow Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are YELLOW (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and yellow paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the yellow paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Yellow Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a yellow one for her to play with today.

YELLOW word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the yellow pictures onto the YELLOW word.

Cornmeal Sunshine


  • Paper
  • Glue
  • Cornmeal


  1. Make a sunshine with glue on the paper.
  2. Let the child sprinkle cornmeal over the glue.
  3. Shake off any extra. Then she drew in the cornmeal with his finger.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions


I made a Baby Bin filled with yellow toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Red Day



Tune: “Three Blind Mice”

I love red, I love red.
That’s what I said, that’s what I said.
Firetrucks, wagons and strawberries piled high.
Stop signs, hearts and pizza pies.
Roses, tomatoes and apples, oh my.
I love red.
That’s what I said.
–Jean Warren

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is red).  Have the child point to the red car.

Word Recognition:  Print the Red paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something red?  Apples, fire trucks, ladybugs, etc…
  • “I spy something red…”

Snack:  Strawberries, Red Apples, Red Juice, Red Jello, Radishes, Watermelon, Licorice, Pepperoni, Tomato

Red Playdough

Get out any red play dough and red play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Red Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are RED (crayons, markers, colored pencil), white and red paper, scissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the red paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Red Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a red one for her to play with today.

RED word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the red pictures onto the RED word.

Find the Red Ball

Materials: 3 red solo cups, a small red ball

Description: Place three cups with their opening down on the ground. Show your toddler the red ball and place it under one of the red cups. Move the cups around for a few seconds. Have your child see if they can follow the cup with the red ball and guess what cup it is under. Once you do this several times, allow your toddler to put the ball under the cup and try to trick you!

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions, teach your tot to play games, teach your tot to make guesses.

RED Baby Bin

I made a Baby Bin filled with red toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned: