Disney’s Pocahontas is a great movie to introduce this real life princess (daughter of the chief). Pocahontas’s dream is to have the courage to walk in another’s footsteps, and she has a cry for peace to stop a war. Of course every Disney princess has a sidekick, and Meeko is such a goofy one.

Princess Pocahontas is such a respectful, daring and bold girl.
I like to sing positive song to her, I sing to her is to the tune of “Mary had a Little Lamb”…
“Storm is a bold girl
Bold girl, bold girl
Storm is a bold girl
She’s my big bold girl”

We went to a local university park on this beautifully warm November day. I brought this fabric sunflower for her to hold.
She wore a super cute fringe romper that I found on Amazon. I added her tan bow for her belt, I just put the bow in the back. Then I found this turquoise necklace that a thrift store and got these tiny turquoise earrings on Amazon. I just parted her hair and put is little braid hanging down.

1 Peter 2:17 “Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor..”

You might enjoy Storm’s other Pocahontas photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots: