4 Year Old Butterfly Photos

She asked for a Butterfly Birthday Party, so we took some pictures with her butterfly wings. She felt so pretty and special. She is an energetic 4 year old who loves everyone. She is my “Perfect Storm”.

She likes to read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar“, so we took her caterpillar out too. She loves to find butterflys, but we didn’t see any this day.

She ran around the yard like a butterfly and then she found a group of clovers to lay down in. She is an outside girl and loves to try new exciting things.

Happy Birthday, my Beautiful Baby!

You might enjoy some of Storm’s other photoshoots:

3 Year Old Ariel Preschool Photos

Disney’s The Little Mermaid came out when I was a preteen, and therefore I loved the movie and still sing all of the songs when my daughter watches it. She was very careful not to let her Flounder Plush get wet!

Ariel is such a romantic and adventurous girl. She risks everything for a chance at adventurous love with a human. She loves her daddy and friends so much, and in the end her father gives her the best of both worlds.

Storm loves her daddy so much too. When she watches The Little Mermaid, she is very concerned when King Triton gets so angry that he destroys Ariel’s tavern. She tries to be adventurous, claiming “I do it” as much as possible. But she is still very cautions when she feels like she might be hurt or uncomfortable.

We went to play at a local beach for the day. We brought some seashells and a fork to play with in the sand. She wore an Ariel dress that was given to her last year. We just combed her hair straight after her bath and parted it on the side. She wore the purple colored her earrings are from a multi color pack that I bought when she was a baby. 

Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

You might enjoy Storm’s other Ariel photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

3 Year Old Moana Preschool Photos

She has loved the Disney Moana movie since she was a year old. She loves cuddling with her stuffed Hei Hei and Pua that she got for Christmas.

I like that Moana is a leader of her people seeking to do what is best for them. This requires her to display some extremely brave actions in the movie such as sailing through an endless ocean, confronting a demi-god, and jumping into the realm of monsters.

My Girl is definitely a leader as well; she insist on leading the way as we walk anywhere, even if she doesn’t know where we are going! And I am trying to raise her to be brave as well.

When she was a baby, I made this sail from 2 old pieces from out chicken coop and an old sheet that I had. I just used a staple gun to attach it. We went to a nearby lake with a beach to take the photos this year. We braided her wet hair the night before and when we took out the braids she had pretty tight curls, I just pulled the top portion back into a pony tail. Her earrings are the pink sea turtle earrings that she got for her last birthday. She placed her seashells exactly how she wanted them. Storm enjoyed waving the palm leaves today while shouting, “Hosanna!”

Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

My granddaughter also joined us in our Moana fun. She is 2 years old and Storm is 3 years old. She is wearing the baby girl Moana dress that Storm wore a couple of years ago, and Storm is wearing the toddler girl Moana dress that we found a a garage sale!

You might enjoy Storm’s other Moana photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

3 Year Old Mulan Preschool Photos

We enjoy visiting our local Botanical Gardens Chinese festival days to take her Disney Mulan photos. She really enjoyed exploring the Botanical Gardens as I followed her taking pictures. I really enjoy my Canon EOS Rebel camera.

Mulan is a super independent, courageous woman. She tries to honor her father in the way that he expects, but she discovers that she can honor him in a whole new way that takes courage and independence.

Storm is also a very independent individual, constantly saying “My doos it!” She loves to play outside as much as possible and I encourage her to have courage whenever she sees a bug or jumps in the water.

We rarely purchase a brand new dress for her princess photoshoots, but this is one of the times that she did get a new dress (Mulan Dress for Girls). She loved looking at herself in the mirror before we left the house to see the “pretty princess”. We just combed her hair straight after her bath and then parted it slightly. Her shoes are the black flats with a bow and her earrings are from a multi color pack that I bought when she was a baby.

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

You might enjoy Storm’s other Mulan photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

Little Artist Preschool Photoshoot

These girls love to paint (and do anything messy); play dough, bubbles, pain, baking, anything! So I decided to paint the back shed wall and let them have some fun while I took pictures of them.

She is 3 and a half now, and is getting so animated. She loves dancing and singing all day long. I found this child’s artist hat on Amazon.

She enjoys spending time with her niece, and asks me every morning if she is coming over.

We splattered paint on the back wall of the shed and then put down an old white sheet and splattered paint there too. Then we brought out their easel and paint and brushes. They loved that they were allowed to get as messy as they wanted today.

You might enjoy these other photoshoots: 

3 Year Old Snow White Preschool Photos

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the first Disney movie in the animated studios series.  Storm just loves it, and can’t even tell that it is so old! She took out some of her Ty Beanie Baby forest animals.

Snow White simply sings when she is experiencing difficulty, she mentally picks herself up and chooses happiness even during the injustices done to her.  She is a gentle, trusting girl who loves all living things. She loves mothering the Dwarfs and brings them joy to their daily lives too.

Storm likes to sing and dance as well, and I try to teach her to be gentle with animals and babies as well.  She enjoys playing with her babies; feeding them, diapering them, and putting them to bath and bed!

We took these picture in our back yard again this year. She wore a Snow White dress that a friend had given to her. Her shoes are the black flats with a bow and her red earrings are from a multi color pack. We loved these earrings because they have the twist on backing. The red bow in her hair came from a colorful pack of bow that I had bought when she was a baby as well. This oval gold mirror I also found at a resale store several years ago.

Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine.”

You might enjoy Storm’s other Snow White photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

3 Year Old Sleeping Beauty Preschool Photos

Disney’s Sleeping Beauty is one of Storm’s favorites. Basically any movie with animal friends is admired in our house.

Sleeping Beauty is graceful, elegant, and romantic girl who loves her three “aunts” and her animal friends. She dreams of meeting her prince charming even though she believes that she is just a peasant girl.

I plan to teach Storm that with God all things are possible. We try to model grace and elegance for her as well; we will forever be working on this since she very much is “My Perfect Storm”.

This year we took her Sleeping Beauty pictures in the front yard instead of going to our local Rose Garden like in the past. We bought her this new Sleeping Beauty dress last year and happily it fits again this year. It came with a crown and necklace too.  She wore her sparkly white flats with a bow. I curled her hair and it turned out beautiful. Lastly we put in the gold and pink earrings that I had bought a few years ago for these photoshoots. Then she just held the single red rose too. I was able to get her to lay on a pillow this year and to close her eyes of couple times.

Matthew 16:26 “With God all things are possible.”

You might enjoy Storm’s other Sleeping Beauty photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

2 Year Old Rapunzel Toddler Photos

Tangled is a fun movie for our family. She is starting to understand who she is dressed as for the pictures.

Princess Rapunzel was taken as a baby, so she wasn’t raised as a princess. She keeps a positive and upbeat attitude despite being trapped in a tower her whole life. She finds a friend and fun things to do to keep her days busy.

Storm is also a busy girl, we are working on the positive attitude though. She is generally a happy girl, but does live up to her name sometimes.

We went to to the park this year for her Rapunzel photos. I painted a sun on the tiny frying pan when she was a baby for her Baby Rapunzel photos, I printed out a picture of Flynn Rider on some resume paper to give it an old look. We also added some fun pink flowers. She is wearing a Rapunzel dress that we found at a yard sale too. The weather was pretty nice this year, so she got to be barefoot. I combed her hair straight after her back and parted it on the side. She wore her purple  earrings are from a multi color pack that I bought when she was a baby. 

Psalm 46:5 “God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early”. 

Below she is Rapunzel 1 year apart in each photo…

You might enjoy Storm’s other Rapunzel photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

2 Year Old Elsa Toddler Photos

Disney’s Frozen is such a sweet movie (makes me cry every time). She likes the snow and the thought winter as much as Olaf loves the thought of summer. She loves to cuddle her Stuffed Olaf.

Princess Elsa is such a loving sister. She loves her sister Anna so much that she keeps herself hidden away to protect Anna from her untrained powers.

Storm is also turning out to be a loving girl. She loves her baby niece more than anything, and asks every day if she will be spending the day with us.

She loves getting all dressed up and says, “Pretty like a Princess”. I tried an easy loose braid, but she absolutely hates when I mess with her hair. She wore an Elsa dress , these white flats and her blue  earrings are from a multi color pack. We took these picture with a blue sheet for the background. I also added some Christmas lights behind the sheet to like like snowflakes, then I hung a snowflake from the ceiling. I used a snowflake tablecloth for the floor.

Romans 12:9 “Let love be sincere; hate what is evil, hold on to what is good”.

Below she is Elsa 1 year apart in each photo…

You might enjoy Storm’s other Elsa photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

2 Year Old Pocahontas Toddler Photos

We had been watching Disney Pocahontas this fall so she was excited to she herself as the “Pretty Princess”.

Pocahontas loves to explore the outdoors and nature. She’s an adventurous and curious girl who is looking for the right path to follow. She is wise enough to seek the advice of her elder grandmother tree, and stands up for what is right even if it goes against the norm.

Ever since she could walk, Storm also loves being outdoors. She loves to pick flowers and help me in the garden. We will always teach her to follow the ways of the Lord even though most people will disagree with it.

I found this Pocahontas dress at a local resale store after Halloween. I was so excited, it was just in time for her pictures. I just combed her hair straight after her bath and parted it on the side. She also has these turquoise earrings to wear. I placed my  blue sheet for the background with Christmas lights behind it to look like a water fall. I just crumpled brown packing paper to place on either side of the waterfall and a brown sheet on the ground. We also used fabric leaves these photos.

Deuteronomy 31:8 “It is the LORD who goes before you; he will be with you and will never fail you or forsake you. So do not fear or be dismayed”. 

Below she is Pocahontas 1 year apart in each photo…

You might enjoy Storm’s other Pocahontas photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots: