Christmas Fireside Family Photos

Merry Christmas!

Lots of teens and tots in our family photo this year! The toughest part of family time these days, is matching the schedule of these kids going every which way. They are all involved in so many activities I am sososososo proud of them all.

I set up my props in the backyard by our firepit and picnic table. I used vintage sleds, firewood, checkered tablecloth, wooden guitar, and some evergreenery.

The Tots

These girls are learning how to be good friends.

Pretty girls.

The Picnic Table

Our picnic table became the center of our photos despite my efforts to include all of the props that I set out.

The Tree

The big kids leaned against the tree by the woodpile for some of our photos.

The Guitar

I love that he plays guitar and enjoys music so much.

Small Group Photos

The Storm

She is so beautiful and loved sitting in this little seat at the woodpile.

The Dog

Arwen didn’t make it into very many photos. She is a very active dog and just wanted to play!

Merry Christmas to all!

2016 Family Photos

The boys and I took some family pictures this past month, so I could hang them around the house.

One nice weather day, we dressed in white and took some pictures in the backyard. These boys are just so adorable!

We also, took a few pictures in our living room. They are so silly, with their great personalities!

Another beautiful day, so we went to the school to take some pictures with the brick wall. My boys are great little models, so cooperative!