3 Year Old Ariel Preschool Photos

Disney’s The Little Mermaid came out when I was a preteen, and therefore I loved the movie and still sing all of the songs when my daughter watches it. She was very careful not to let her Flounder Plush get wet!

Ariel is such a romantic and adventurous girl. She risks everything for a chance at adventurous love with a human. She loves her daddy and friends so much, and in the end her father gives her the best of both worlds.

Storm loves her daddy so much too. When she watches The Little Mermaid, she is very concerned when King Triton gets so angry that he destroys Ariel’s tavern. She tries to be adventurous, claiming “I do it” as much as possible. But she is still very cautions when she feels like she might be hurt or uncomfortable.

We went to play at a local beach for the day. We brought some seashells and a fork to play with in the sand. She wore an Ariel dress that was given to her last year. We just combed her hair straight after her bath and parted it on the side. She wore the purple colored her earrings are from a multi color pack that I bought when she was a baby. 

Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

You might enjoy Storm’s other Ariel photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

3 Year Old Moana Preschool Photos

She has loved the Disney Moana movie since she was a year old. She loves cuddling with her stuffed Hei Hei and Pua that she got for Christmas.

I like that Moana is a leader of her people seeking to do what is best for them. This requires her to display some extremely brave actions in the movie such as sailing through an endless ocean, confronting a demi-god, and jumping into the realm of monsters.

My Girl is definitely a leader as well; she insist on leading the way as we walk anywhere, even if she doesn’t know where we are going! And I am trying to raise her to be brave as well.

When she was a baby, I made this sail from 2 old pieces from out chicken coop and an old sheet that I had. I just used a staple gun to attach it. We went to a nearby lake with a beach to take the photos this year. We braided her wet hair the night before and when we took out the braids she had pretty tight curls, I just pulled the top portion back into a pony tail. Her earrings are the pink sea turtle earrings that she got for her last birthday. She placed her seashells exactly how she wanted them. Storm enjoyed waving the palm leaves today while shouting, “Hosanna!”

Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

My granddaughter also joined us in our Moana fun. She is 2 years old and Storm is 3 years old. She is wearing the baby girl Moana dress that Storm wore a couple of years ago, and Storm is wearing the toddler girl Moana dress that we found a a garage sale!

You might enjoy Storm’s other Moana photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots: