2 Year Old Pink Balloon Photos

Éowyn is 2 years old now, and is a joy to have in our lives. She loves music, sugar, Mickey Mouse, cuddling with Grandma, and playing outside.

Éowyn is very excited for her pink birthday cake. She is a very playful, pretty, and peaceful toddler.

I just blew up lots of different shades of pink balloons and dressed her in the birthday shirt that says “I’m two cute“. I hung a white sheet for the background and used a white toddler size rocking chair.

She knows that she is 2, and held up 2 fingers!


2 Year Old Tiana Toddler Photos

She is 2 and a half now and is still learning about the Princesses. She says, “Pretty” when she gets all dressed up, and runs to the mirror to look at herself.

The Princess and the Frog is fun for her to watch… she loves when Tiana says “Yuck” about kissing a frog!

Princess Tiana

Below she is Tiana 1 year apart in each photo…

2 Year Old Elsa Toddler Photos

She did not enjoy posing for me today, but we did get a couple good ones.

I tried an easy loose braid, but she absolutely hates when I mess with her hair.

She loves getting a “Pretty like a Princess”

So many expressions.

Below she is Elsa 1 year apart in each photo…

She’s so beautiful!