Newborn Cubs Baseball Photos

My husband has been a lifelong Cubs fan, so we decided to try some newborn photos with baby… she is now 11 days old!

She did not like the feel of the baseball glove. Every time I tried to pose her with the glove she started crying, so I decided to just set it next to her.

My husband has a few Cubs jerseys, so I tried to get some good photos with his favorites. I love her little grin, and one great picture with her eyes open!

“I might be little, but I’m a HUGE Cubs fan”

Newborn 1 Week Old Photos

Our Perfect Storm is a week new today! She is the most precious thing; I love spending every second with her!

I just love seeing her little toes curled up under her!

She is the most loved Little Sister with 3 older siblings… Josiah is 14 now and Titus is 10; they just adore her! Big sis is 11 years old and loves to hold baby.

We used this “Blessed” bucket at our wedding to hold the ice at the drink table.

Newborn Purple Roses Photos

I love purple roses, and Rose is my middle name. We combined our names to come up with a middle name for our 6 day old newborn (Kellyrose).

My dad got me this newborn purple wrap set as a gift, and the picture ended up being darling!

So cute with her hands folded under her cheek like this. I love when her tiny hands cooperate with me!

This is the first time that I have taken naked pictures of a newborn… yes, she ended up peeing on my kitchen floor!

These close up photos of her sweet little face are some of my favorites!

Sweet, sweet smiles!

Newborn Sleeping Beauty Photos

My Sleeping Beauty is now 4 days old, and seems to sleep all the time. She is so beautiful with all of her brown hair and long arms and legs! I wanted to take some Sleeping Beauty photos of her while she was still brand new, so we can remember these first days that seem to pass so quickly!

I found this cute little crown headband for her on Amazon. It was a bit big, but I just folded and tape a tiny piece of it in the back and ended up working just right.

I just love seeing her tiny toes stick out from under her booty!

2016 Family Photos

The boys and I took some family pictures this past month, so I could hang them around the house.

One nice weather day, we dressed in white and took some pictures in the backyard. These boys are just so adorable!

We also, took a few pictures in our living room. They are so silly, with their great personalities!

Another beautiful day, so we went to the school to take some pictures with the brick wall. My boys are great little models, so cooperative!

Surprise Adoption Party

My in-laws finalized the adoption of their 2 girls this past week, so we had a surprise ice cream party for them!!!

I made a family tree poster with our fingerprints. Everyone in our family added their fingerprint as the leaves on the tree. We also had new family photos taken to include the girls. I made a banner that said “Welcome to our Family” too.

Ice cream sundaes! We had several different flavors of ice cream and tons of different topping choices of fruit and candies. We wanted to make this the most special thing to celebrate the girls!

I made “Our 2 Sweethearts” sign/ banner with my Cricut.

Welcome to the family… we love you!

Bugs Birthday Party -1

We had a bug themed party for T’s first birthday!  I made bug balloons by filling latex balloons with helium and using rubber cement to hold them together.  For the Bee Balloon I used 2 yellow balloons and wrapped some black electrical tape around for the bee’s stripes.  Then I used tissue paper for the wings, black pipe cleaner for the antenna, and googly eyes for eyes.  I added a mouth with black sharpie.  For the Ladybug Balloon I found some red balloons with black spots. I glued a small black balloon for the head, used googly eyes for the eyes, and black pipe cleaner for the antenna again.  For the Caterpillar Balloon glued together 4 green balloons and used green pipe cleaner for the legs and antenna.  I used a sharpie for the mouth and added googly eyes to the caterpillar as well.  I set them up outside and it was a bit too windy for the balloons, most of them ended up popping before the end of the party!

We grilled burgers and hot dogs for lunch.  We also had ants on a lot and ladybug watermelon balls (I just put mini chocolate chips in the watermelon balls.) I taped black construction paper ants to my red and white checkered table cloth.

I filled red, green, and yellow water balloons for the kids to play with.

I got kind of carried away with the desserts and ended up making 3 sweets.  We had gummy worms in chocolate pudding with crushed Oreo’s on top.  We had a beehive cake with cream cheese frosting and bees made out of chocolate covered almonds and mini marshmallow wings.  And we had caterpillar cupcakes with candy faces.

I had my sister-in-law, Cloninger Photography, take T’s 1 year old photos and they turned out great!

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Boy!  I love you!

I have tons of other kids party themes: 

9 Months Pregnant

I am expecting my second baby boy in less than a month. We are so excited, and J can hardly wait to meet his new baby brother! He has been praying for a baby brother for a year now.

I like to use the blocks in my maternity photography session. I am very fond of my Canon DSLR digital camera, I use it for photography sessions as well as in everyday life.