Disney’s Tangled is such a fun and silly movie that Storm loves. We love playing in the dvd player in the car every February to prepare her for her Rapunzel photoshoot!

Princess Rapunzel is such a fun and silly girl. She finds things to love and have fun in all situations. She is has to stand up for herself against the only person that she has ever known before. But she gains true love and a family for her bravery.
Storm is also a silly girl who proves her bravery over and over again. She is not afraid of anything and always wants to lead and do things by herself. We try to teach her to make the most of every situation as well.

We took these pictures in the kitchen with a purple curtain as the backdrop and the stone wall that I made for our X-Men Trunk-or-Treat. I painted a sun on the tiny frying pan when she was a baby for her Baby Rapunzel photos, I printed out a picture of Flynn Rider on some resume paper to give it an old look, and I found this neat candle lantern at a thrift store. We also added some fun pink flowers. She is wearing a Rapunzel dress with white tights. I combed her hair straight after her back and parted it on the side. She wore her purple earrings are from a multi color pack that I bought when she was a baby.

Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it..”

Storm has dressed as Rapunzel on February 17 every year of her short life!
You might enjoy Storm’s other Rapunzel photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots: