Newborn Purple Roses Photos

I love purple roses, and Rose is my middle name. We combined our names to come up with a middle name for our 6 day old newborn (Kellyrose).

My dad got me this newborn purple wrap set as a gift, and the picture ended up being darling!

So cute with her hands folded under her cheek like this. I love when her tiny hands cooperate with me!

This is the first time that I have taken naked pictures of a newborn… yes, she ended up peeing on my kitchen floor!

These close up photos of her sweet little face are some of my favorites!

Sweet, sweet smiles!

Newborn Sleeping Beauty Photos

My Sleeping Beauty is now 4 days old, and seems to sleep all the time. She is so beautiful with all of her brown hair and long arms and legs! I wanted to take some Sleeping Beauty photos of her while she was still brand new, so we can remember these first days that seem to pass so quickly!

I found this cute little crown headband for her on Amazon. It was a bit big, but I just folded and tape a tiny piece of it in the back and ended up working just right.

I just love seeing her tiny toes stick out from under her booty!

First Vegetable Garden

I love gardening! We got to plant a cute little vegetable garden this year. It was such a great learning experience for J as well, he loved it too!


We planted in early May!

Lettuce Harvest

Our garden is doing great this Summer. Our lettuce is ready in June.

Tomato Harvest

It’s July and our tomatoes are gigantic!

Cantaloupe Harvest

August harvest is cantaloupe… J’s favorite!

Watermelon Harvest

Our watermelons took the longest… but here in September they are finally ready!

We loved having a garden this summer!