Tot-School Orange Day




Orange treats, orange treats, yum, yum, yum.
Which will I choose, oh what fun.
Will it be a carrot, crunchy and sweet?
Will it be orange sections, juicy and sweet?
Will it be orange sherbet, icy and sweet?
What will I choose for my afternoon treat?
–Jean Warren

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is orange).  Have the child point to the orange car.

Word Recognition:  Print the Orange paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something orange? Oranges, goldfish, tigers, etc…
  • “I spy something orange…”

Snack:  Oranges, Carrots, Orange Juice, Macaroni and Cheese, Orange Sherbet, Cheese, Cantaloupe, Peach, Spaghetti, Cheetos

Orange Playdough

Get out any orange play dough and orange play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Orange Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are ORANGE (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and orange paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the orange paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Orange Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a orange one for her to play with today.

ORANGE word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the yellow pictures onto the ORANGE word.

Paper Plate Pumpkin


  • Paper Plate
  • Orange Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Black and Green Construction Paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors


  1. Paint the paper plate orange.
  2. Cut out eyes and mouth shapes from the black paper.
  3. Glue the face on the pumpkin to make a jack-o-lantern.
  4. Cut out a stem and leaf from the green paper.
  5. Glue the stem on the pumpkin.


I made a Baby Bin filled with orange toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Purple Day



Tune: “Three Blind Mice”

We love purple, we love purple.
Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
Purple grapes and eggplant,
Purple plums and grape juice,
Just for me, just for you.
–Heather McPhail

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is purple).  Have the child point to the purple car. (we used bows today)

Word Recognition:  Print the Purple paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something purple? Plum, violets, jam, etc…
  • “I spy something purple…”

Snack:  Blackberry Smoothie, Grape juice, Plums, Grapes, Cabbage, Blackberries, Grape Jelly, Purple Jello

Blackberry Smoothie


  • 1 Cup Blackberries
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 Cup almond milk (or coconut milk)


  1. Blend the berries in a blender, scrape the sides.
  2. Add the banana and blend more, scrape the sides.
  3. Add the milk and blend until smooth.

Purple Playdough

Get out any purple play dough and purple play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Purple Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are PURPLE (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and purple paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the purple paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Purple Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons. Today we played with a purple dancing scarf instead of a balloon.

PURPLE word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the yellow pictures onto the PURPLE word.

Planting Purple Tulips


  • Purple Construction Paper
  • Craft Sticks
  • Egg Carton


  1. Cut tulip shapes from the paper and glue a craft stick to them.
  2. Turn the egg carton upside down and cut slits in each egg part.
  3. The child can plant the tulips in the different slits.
  4. Count how many tulips he planted.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions


I made a Baby Bin filled with purple toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Green Day



Tune: “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”

There’s a color we all know,
It’s the color that means “Go!”
Oh, grass is green and lettuce is green,
Leaves and spinach and peas are green,
There’s a color we all know,
–Elizabeth Scofield

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is green).  Have the child point to the green car.

Word Recognition:  Print the green paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something green? Frog, tree, grapes, etc…
  • “I spy something green…”

Snack:  Green Sugar Cookie, Grapes, Green Beans, Honeydew, Kiwi, Lettuce, Cucumber, Green Apple, Green Koolaid, Pickle

Green Playdough

Get out any green play dough and green play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Green Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are GREEN (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and green paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the green paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Green Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a green one for her to play with today.

GREEN word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the yellow pictures onto the GREEN word.

Shopping for Green Food



  1. Put play food in a shopping basket.
  2. Have the child pick out all of the green foods and place them on her plate.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions

GREEN Baby Bin

I made a Baby Bin filled with green toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Blue Day



Tune: “Three Blind Mice”

We love blue. We love blue.
Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
We love the ocean and sky so blue.
We love blue ribbons and blue jeans, too.
We love blueberries, so good for you.

We love blue.
–Liz Ryerson

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is blue).  Have the child point to the blue car.

Word Recognition:  Print the Blue paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something blue? Blueberries, train, jeans, etc…
  • “I spy something blue…”

Snack:  Blueberries, Blue Jello, Blue Popsicle, Blue Gatorade, Blue Chips, Blue Unicorn Pudding

Blue Playdough

Get out any blue play dough and blue play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Blue Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are BLUE (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and blue paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the blue paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Blue Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a blue one for her to play with today.

BLUE word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the blue pictures onto the BLUE word.

Blue Fish Painting


  • White paper
  • Blue paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Masking tape
  • Googly Eye


  1. Use the masking tape to make the shape of a fish on the white paper.
  2. Let the child paint the whole paper blue.
  3. After it dries peel off the masking tape.
  4. Add a googly eye.  It looks like you have a blue fish swimming in blue water now.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions

BLUE Baby Bin

I made a Baby Bin filled with blue toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Yellow Day




Yellow sun, oh what fun.
Now we all can play.
I will wear my yellow suit
And swim out in the bay.

Yellow sun, in the sky
Shinning down on me.
I will play out in the sun,
Then rest beneath a tree.

–Jean Warren

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is yellow).  Have the child point to the yellow car.

Word Recognition:  Print the Yellow paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something yellow? Sunshine, bumble bee, cheese, etc…
  • “I spy something yellow…”

Snack:  Bananas, Lemonade, Lemon pudding, Pineapple, Corn, Kix, Eggs

Yellow Playdough

Get out any yellow play dough and yellow play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Yellow Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are YELLOW (crayonsmarkerscolored pencil), white and yellow paperscissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the yellow paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Yellow Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a yellow one for her to play with today.

YELLOW word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the yellow pictures onto the YELLOW word.

Cornmeal Sunshine


  • Paper
  • Glue
  • Cornmeal


  1. Make a sunshine with glue on the paper.
  2. Let the child sprinkle cornmeal over the glue.
  3. Shake off any extra. Then she drew in the cornmeal with his finger.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions


I made a Baby Bin filled with yellow toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Tot-School Red Day



Tune: “Three Blind Mice”

I love red, I love red.
That’s what I said, that’s what I said.
Firetrucks, wagons and strawberries piled high.
Stop signs, hearts and pizza pies.
Roses, tomatoes and apples, oh my.
I love red.
That’s what I said.
–Jean Warren

Color Recognition:  Show the child 3 cars or toys (be sure one is red).  Have the child point to the red car.

Word Recognition:  Print the Red paper to use with do-a-dot markers


  • What is something red?  Apples, fire trucks, ladybugs, etc…
  • “I spy something red…”

Snack:  Strawberries, Red Apples, Red Juice, Red Jello, Radishes, Watermelon, Licorice, Pepperoni, Tomato

Red Playdough

Get out any red play dough and red play dough toys and tools. Show the child how to use the tools.

Red Mixed Media Collage

Materials: any drawing materials that you have that are RED (crayons, markers, colored pencil), white and red paper, scissors, glue

Description: Child used drawing materials on the white paper. Then she will cut small pieces of her paper and glue them all onto the red paper.

Skills Targeted: teach your tot to follow directions, be creative, and fine motor skills.

Play with Red Balloon

This girl loves to play with balloons, so I got out a red one for her to play with today.

RED word and pictures

I found these Color Headers in the Target back to school clearance a few years ago.  She put the red pictures onto the RED word.

Find the Red Ball

Materials: 3 red solo cups, a small red ball

Description: Place three cups with their opening down on the ground. Show your toddler the red ball and place it under one of the red cups. Move the cups around for a few seconds. Have your child see if they can follow the cup with the red ball and guess what cup it is under. Once you do this several times, allow your toddler to put the ball under the cup and try to trick you!

Skills Targeted: teach your tot color recognition, teach your tot to follow directions, teach your tot to play games, teach your tot to make guesses.

RED Baby Bin

I made a Baby Bin filled with red toys for my granddaughter to play with too.

Here are the links to posts for the individual colors that we learned:

Rainbows Day 4 -Double Rainbows

Just last week we saw a double rainbow and I actually got a picture of it with my phone, so we decided to make that day 4 in our rainbow unit study.  We had a rainbow breakfast and lunch and did some more rainbow crafts, math, and science.  The kids loved the mini fruit rainbow pizzas that we had for snack today.

Double Rainbows

Discuss: In a “primary rainbow”, the arc shows red on the outer part, and violet on the inside. This rainbow is caused by light being refracted while entering a droplet of water, then reflected inside on the back of the droplet and refracted again when leaving it. In a double rainbow, a second arc is seen outside the primary arc, and has the order of its colors reversed, red facing toward the other one, in both rainbows. This second rainbow is caused by light reflecting twice inside water droplets. The second arc is also lighter than the first one.

ReadAll the Colors of the Rainbow by Allan Fowler

Comprehension Questions:

  1. What is the order of the colors in a rainbow? Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple
  2. What is the order of the colors in the double rainbow on the top? Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red
  3. Have the children draw a double rainbow (top rainbow lighter and in opposite order)

Rainbow Pancake Breakfast


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • food coloring


  1. Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl.
  2. Lightly beat the eggs with the buttermilk, milk and melted butter.
  3. Just before you are ready to make the pancakes, add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients all at once, stirring just long enough to blend. The batter should be slightly lumpy.
  4. Separate the batter into 6 bowls and added food coloring to make the colors of the rainbow.
  5. Heat a lightly greased griddle or heavy skillet over medium-high heat (375 degrees on an electric griddle).
  6. Pour 1/4 cup batter per pancake onto the griddle or skillet, spacing the pancakes apart so they do not run together.
  7. When bubbles appear on the surface of the pancakes and the undersides are lightly browned, turn and cook for about 2 minutes longer, until lightly browned on the bottom.
IMG_0A said “Look, I made a flower” (so girly)!618

Hand Print Rainbow


  • Paint (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)
  • Poster board


  1. Cut the poster board in the shape of a semi-circle.
  2. Have the children put their purple hand prints along the bottom curve.
  3. Then blue hand prints over the purple prints (it’s okay if it overlaps a bit)
  4. Then green, yellow, orange, and red hand prints

Blow It Up

Discuss: Baking soda and the vinegar create an ACID-BASE reaction. When combined/mixed they create a gas – carbon dioxide. Gasses need room to spread out, so the carbon dioxide gas fills the bottle and then moves into the balloon inflating it. A gas can float in the air but we usually can’t see it.


  • baking soda
  • vinegar
  • plastic bottle
  • 6 balloons (one of each color)
  • funnels


  1. Using your funnel pour vinegar into your bottle. You only need to fill about 1/3 of the bottle.
  2. Using another (dry) funnel pour baking soda into your balloon. Fill the balloon approx. 1/2 way.
  3. Cover the top of the bottle with you balloon. Make sure you don’t let the baking soda spill into the bottle yet.
  4. When ready, lift your balloon and let the baking soda fall into the vinegar.
  5. Watch as the mixture fizzes, bubbles & expands your balloon!

Measure a Rainbow


  • Construction Paper in colors of the rainbow
  • Scissors
  • Stapler


1. Measure and cut the construction paper into 1” wide strips. Measure and cut each of the strips into the following lengths:

•red ~ 10″
•orange ~ 9”
•yellow ~ 8”
•green ~ 7”
•blue ~ 6”
•purple ~ 5” 

2. Stack all of the strips together in the rainbow order with red on top. Align and staple the aligned end together.

3. Bend and align the other end and staple to form a rainbow!! And that’s it…a fun rainbow with a little bit of measuring practice as a bonus!

Rainbow Spaghetti Lunch


  • Spaghetti
  • Oil
  • Food Coloring
  • Tomatoes
  • Carrots
  • Croutons
  • Lettuce
  • Rasins
  • Shredded Cabbage


  1. Cook a small pot of spaghetti and drained it and tossed it in a couple of teaspoons of oil.
  2. Divided it into 6 bowls and added a some liquid food coloring to each one, and stirred it through.
  3. Serve with a salad make of RED – Tomatoes ORANGE – Carrots YELLOW – Croutons GREEN – Lettuce BLUE – Raisins VIOLET – Shredded Cabbage

Rainbow Wind Catcher


  • paper plates
  • paint
  • glue sticks
  • a stapler
  • crepe paper


  1. cut paper plates in half.
  2. paint a rainbow on the back sides, both halves. 
  3. after they were dry, use a glue stick to add the streamers.
  4. cut the streamers in half long wise so they measure about 1in. X 10in.
  5. in theory you would add the color of streamer under the color of paint.
  6. glue streamers to the inside of both halves of the plates.
  7. staple the two plates together.
  8. tie a knot in a loop of yarn and then stapled it in when putting the plates together.

Crayon Melting Canvas

Discuss: Why does wax melt? Energy travels from the heated area to the wax, a solid. When the energy hits the wax molecules, it causes them to speed up, resulting in liquid. As the heat is removed, the wax molecules begin to slow down and heat the air around them. As the molecules lose energy they slowly stop moving as much and become a solid again.


  • 11×14 canvas
  • hot glue gun & glue stick
  • hair dryer
  • lots of crayons
  • newspaper


  1. Pick out the colors you want to use and line them up until you run out of space.
  2. Using a glue gun, make a line of glue across the crayons (if you want a certain part showing, like the label, be careful to put the glue on the opposite side). Quickly place onto canvas in a line, as shown below, with tips facing down. 
  3. Line your floor with newspaper, place the canvas against the wall, and start blow drying.
  4. Aim the heat right at the middle to lower area of the crayons (where the tips are). Once the wax starts melting, move the dryer around as needed to prevent splattering and get wax to go straight down.  


Kids can do individual crayon melting pictures on cardstock then cut off the crayons.

IMGI tried spelling something with stickers and peeling them off._0594
IMG_05Instead of the wax not showing up under the stickers to make it appear white, the wax spread under the stickers.96

Mini Fruit Pizzas


  • 3/4 cup butter, softened
  • 3 ounces cream cheese
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 jar Marshmallow Cream
  • 1 block cream cheese
  • Raspberries
  • Manderin Oranges (cut in halves)
  • Banana (sliced and cut in fourths)
  • Green Grapes (cut in halves)
  • Blueberries
  • Plums (sliced and cut in fourths)


  1. In a bowl cream butter, 3 ounces cream cheese and sugar until fluffy. Add egg and vanilla; beat until smooth.
  2. In a medium bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt. Add dry ingredients to the creamed mixture. Stir till soft dough forms.
  3. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 2 hours.
  4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  5. Bake cookies for 8 minutes or until lightly browned and let cool.
  6. Mix 1 jar of marshmallow cream and 1 block of cream cheese for the kids to spread on the cookies.
  7. Cut up the fruit for the kids to make a mini rainbow on their cookies.

More rainbow fun that we had this week:

Rainbows Day 3 -Color Wheel

For the third day of our Rainbow Unit Study we learned that the rainbow colors make up the artist’s color wheel.  We learned about primary colors, secondary colors, and complementary colors.  We did some color mixing science and made some more yummy rainbow snacks. I also introduced a fun sensory tub today.

The Color Wheel


Primary Color- Red, yellow and blue. Primary colors are the 3 colors that can not be mixed or formed by any combination of other colors. All other colors are made from these 3 hues.

Secondary Colors- Green, orange and purple. These are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors.

Complementary colors- are any two colors which are directly opposite each other on the color wheel, such as red and green and red-purple and yellow-green. 

ReadTake a Walk on a Rainbow by Miriam Moss

Comprehension Questions:

  1. What are the primary colors? Red, Yellow, Blue
  2. What are the secondary colors? Green, Orange, Purple
  3. How can you easily find complementary colors on the color wheel? The are opposite each other.

Painting A Color Wheel

I printed off this Color Wheel and let the children paint it with the colors in the correct order.

Color Mixing

Discuss: Ask your child if he has ever heard the word “hypothesis” before. Explain that “hypothesis” is a special word that scientists use for “an idea that you can test.” A hypothesis is a kind of prediction. Explain that when someone makes a hypothesis, he or she uses clues to make a guess about something. Give some examples, such as, “If I drop this basketball on the floor, my hypothesis is that it will bounce.” Or, “When I see dark clouds in the sky, I have a hypothesis that it will rain soon.” Encourage your child to come up with a simple hypothesis or two.  How can we test your hypothesis?

Show a color wheel to look at and discuss. What are the primary colors (red, yellow, blue). Ask them what there hypothesis is about mixing red and yellow? It will make orange. What about yellow and blue? It will make green. What about red and blue? It will make purple.


  • White ice cube tray
  • water
  • red, yellow, and blue food coloring
  • 6 clear jars
  • Eye dropper


  1. Fill the ice cube tray with water.
  2. Add 1 drop of one color to each section (make some red, yellow, and blue). 
  3. Put it in the freezer at least an hour before the activity.
  4. Fill 6 clear cups with water. Add the red, yellow, and blue food coloring to the cups, one color per cup.
  5. Do you think we can make all the colors of the rainbow with only these three primary colors.
  6. Take out the ice cubes and let them know that they are the same 3 colors that are in the cups, the primary colors.
  7. What do you think will happen if we put a red ice cube into a yellow cup?
  8. Drop it in, then stir. Orange!
  9. What do you think will happen if we added blue to yellow? Green!
  10. Next try red and blue, which makes the purple.
  11. Then the kids will want to see what would happen when we mixed all the colors and make brown.
  12. Line up the colors in order and said.. We made all the colors of the rainbow!


  1. Use the red, yellow, and blue cup of colored water to play with.
  2. Use the eye dropper to add the primary colors of water to each section in the ice tray to make new colors.
  3. Let the kids try.

A Colorful Hypothesis

I used the Dinosaur Train A Colorful Hypothesis printout to help teach coloring mixing combinations to the children.

Rainbow Sprite


  • Sprite
  • Kool-Aid (red, yellow, blue colors)
  • Ice cube tray


  1. Make the Kool-Aid according to package directions & then pour some of it into ice trays, a different ice tray for each color.
  2. Add the color of ice cubes to a cup of Sprite. Watch the color the colors mix if you use two different colors of ice cubes.

Rainbow Rice Garden Sensory Tub


  • Uncooked rice
  • Food coloring
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Tub
  • Gardening tools
  • Fake flowers


  1. Measure out the rice (6 cups) and put it in a Ziploc bag with about 2 drops of food coloring and 2T of rubbing alcohol. (make red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple)
  2. Mix the rice in the bags to spread the color. Put them on pans to dry in the sun.
  3. Pour each color side by side in a sensory tub in the color of a rainbow.
  4. Add garden tools and gardening gloves and the fake flowers.

Rainbow Cookies


  • Sugar cookie dough
  • food coloring (all the colors of the rainbow)


  1. Divide dough into 6 portions. Tint each with a different food color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple).
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  3. Roll dough into strips and form your rainbows but pushing the colors together.
  4. Bake cookies for 8 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool and store in an airtight container.

Rainbow Collage


  • Crayons
  • Cardstock
  • Felt
  • Paper
  • Feathers
  • Pom poms
  • Ribbon
  • Foam Pieces
  • Glue


  1. Have the children pre-color-sort collage supplies.
  2. Draw and color a rainbow on a piece of cardstock.
  3. The children color matched an assortment of stickers, felt, paper, feathers, pom poms, ribbon, and foam pieces onto the rainbow.

More rainbow fun that we had this week: