Easter Hunt

We always have an egg hunt and Easter baskets for the kids, but this year we decided to have one for the adults too with huge prize baskets.  Everyone pitched in a few dollars to pay for the prizes and it ended up being tons of fun.  The boys enjoyed dying and hunting eggs and they loved their Easter baskets too.

My husband hid 3 dozen eggs for the adult egg hunt while I assembled the prize baskets.  We had one for the guy with the most eggs and one for the gal with the most eggs.  Some of the eggs were camo colored for more fun!

My father-in-law won the guys and my sister-in-law won the gals basket!

The kids also had a fun egg hunt as well!

Preschool Fun

We get to meet with cousins once a week to have some preschool fun.

Roll the dice and see what number you get!

Paper scraps frame!

Music Time!

Bowling to practice counting and writing our numbers.

Writing the alphabet!

The babies get to play too!

Snowman Fun!

Don’t forget to check out my Preschool Clown Colors post and Preschool Clown Shapes post as well.

Diego Birthday Party -5

J is 5 now and loves Diego.  I tried my best to transform the living room into a jungle with twisted crepe paper vines, poster board and balloon trees, and stuffed jungle animals all around.  I try to decorate while he is not around so that when he enters the room he has a big surprise, I just love seeing him when he enters the party room.  I also set out his Diego books and toys for the kids to enjoy.

We had rainforest kabobs with fruit, yogurt, and coconut.

He just loved his Transformers that he got from his dad.

I made a 9×11 sheet cake and decorated it with his Diego toys.  I frosted the cake with chocolate frosting then added some green vines to it.  I tried to make trees with Pirouette Wafers and marshmallow on top.  I covered the marshmallows with green frosting.  I put blue frosting in the middle for a river and placed candy rocks along the river bank.

We had a treasure hunt too.  I placed the clues on his animals, each clue had animal facts about the next animal.  The hunt finally ended in a hidden door that I cut from the bottom of one the fake tree trunks that I had made out of poster board.  The kids all loved this!

Happy Birthday to my animal lover!

Be sure to check out my other kids party themes: Farm Birthday Party , Blues Clues Party,  Bob the Builder Party and Backyardigans Party.

Halloween Bonfire -10

We decided to have a bonfire for Halloween this year.  First we went to a nearby pick-your-own pumpkin patch to choose two big pumpkins.  We rode in a wagon pulled by a tractor to the pumpkin patch.  After choosing our two pumpkins we placed them in the wagon with T and pulled them to the car so we could take them home and carve them.

My husband and I decided to try more difficult designs this year.  We each choose our design and dug in, the carving defiantly took longer than our usual triangle eyes and toothy smile jack-o-lanterns.  In the end we were very pleased with our work.

We roasted hot dogs for dinner, and had soda for drinks.

We roasted smores for dessert and had homemade caramel apples and candy corn too.

The kids loved it and we all had a great time!

Gingerbread House Tradition -09

My sister and I used to make gingerbread houses on Thanksgiving when we were younger, so I decided to start this tradition with my son.

We made gingerbread houses with his cousin on Thanksgiving Day! We used royal icing with a Mini Gingerbread House kit. Added all kinds of colorful Christmas candies and candy canes!

First Vegetable Garden

I love gardening! We got to plant a cute little vegetable garden this year. It was such a great learning experience for J as well, he loved it too!


We planted in early May!

Lettuce Harvest

Our garden is doing great this Summer. Our lettuce is ready in June.

Tomato Harvest

It’s July and our tomatoes are gigantic!

Cantaloupe Harvest

August harvest is cantaloupe… J’s favorite!

Watermelon Harvest

Our watermelons took the longest… but here in September they are finally ready!

We loved having a garden this summer!

Independence Day Party

We decided to have an Independence Day party.  We had family over for grilling and fireworks. J had so much fun celebrating the 4th of July with us. It was his first time experiencing firework.  We were glad to finally have fireworks here, we used to do bigger fireworks when we lived in MT, so this was fun!

We grilled hot dogs and corn.  We also had watermelon wedges.

We played badminton  while it was still light out, then we tried it with smoke bombs after dark.

Sparklers and smoke bombs were a favorite for the kids.

Preschool Clown Shapes

He painted a different color each day and I cut them into shapes. He LOVES painting! I wrote the name of the shape on each one and then I placed the shapes on the wall with a clown juggling them.

He cut the different shapes from playdough too. I also made felt shapes (look in the background of the picture below) for him to play with.

Teaching him brings me such joy… I absolutely love see him learn new things. Don’t forget to check out my Preschool Clown Colors post as well.

Preschool Clown Colors

I love learning and teaching new things with my boy; he’s so smart, he already knows all of his colors at 2 and a half. He painted a different color each day… Blue + Yellow = Green

I cut each painted paper into a balloon shape for him and wrote the color word on the balloon with a black sharpie. Then I placed the balloons on the wall with a clown holding them. I used normal balloon sting to give a bit of a 3-D effect.