4 Year Old Sleeping Beauty Preschool Photoshoot

Disney’s Sleeping Beauty is such a typical princess “happily ever after” story that little girls love. We have it playing in the dvd player in the car every August to prepare her for her Sleeping Beauty photoshoot!

The 3 good fairy’s bless Princess Aurora with beauty, grace, and song. She is such a joy for the fairy’s when she lives with them, they get upset when she turns 16 and has to leave. They want to do what is best for the princess even if it is hard for them, and they are teaching her how important it is to live with dignity and make good moral choices.

My Perfect Storm is also beautiful and loves singing and listening to songs. She is still learning what it means to live a moral life, even when the world is telling her the opposite. I pray that one day she to will live with dignity and be proud of her life choices.

We visited a local rose garden for this photoshoot. She loved seeing all of the different colors of flowers and wanted a picture by each color. She wore the same Sleeping Beauty dress that she wore for the past few years (I bought it big so I wouldn’t have to keep getting her a new one each year). Her white dress shoes had a bow and a little strap. I curled her hair before we left the house while she ate her lunch. Lastly we put in the gold and pink earrings that I had bought a few years ago for these photoshoots. I bought gold glitter cardstock and made her crown and necklace. This gold glitter cardstock was perfect for cutting and there was no mess. I printed out this free princess crown template and cut it out and traced it on the back of the gold paper. Then she just held the single red rose too. I was able to get her to lay on a pillow this year and to close her eyes of couple times.

Psalm 4:8 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Storm has dressed as Sleeping Beauty on August 17 every year of her short life!

You might enjoy Storm’s other Sleeping Beauty photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

3 Year Old Sleeping Beauty Preschool Photos

Disney’s Sleeping Beauty is one of Storm’s favorites. Basically any movie with animal friends is admired in our house.

Sleeping Beauty is graceful, elegant, and romantic girl who loves her three “aunts” and her animal friends. She dreams of meeting her prince charming even though she believes that she is just a peasant girl.

I plan to teach Storm that with God all things are possible. We try to model grace and elegance for her as well.

Matthew 16:26 “With God all things are possible.”

This year we took her Sleeping Beauty pictures in the front yard instead of going to our local Rose Garden like in the past. We bought her this new Sleeping Beauty dress last year and happily it fits again this year. It came with a crown and necklace too.

You might enjoy Storm’s other Sleeping Beauty photoshoots: 

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

24 Month Old Sleeping Beauty Toddler Photos

She is a gorgeous 2 year old Sleeping Beauty!

She like the fountain!

Wanted to touch all of the roses, but we were at a public rose garden so I tried to keep her from grabbing them.

One of the gardeners cut a rose just for her to match her dress and brought it over to give to her. She is watching him walk away here!

My Sleeping Beauty!

Below she is Sleeping Beauty 1 year apart in each photo…

Newborn Sleeping Beauty Photos

My Sleeping Beauty is now 4 days old, and seems to sleep all the time. She is so beautiful with all of her brown hair and long arms and legs! I wanted to take some Sleeping Beauty photos of her while she was still brand new, so we can remember these first days that seem to pass so quickly!

I found this cute little crown headband for her on Amazon. It was a bit big, but I just folded and tape a tiny piece of it in the back and ended up working just right.

I just love seeing her tiny toes stick out from under her booty!