4 Year Old Cinderella Preschool Photoshoot

Disney’s Cinderella is such a sweet movie that reminds us all to be kind in all situations. We love playing in the dvd player in the car every October to prepare her for her Cinderella photoshoot!

Cinderella is kind and gentle in all situations. The animals love her because she is so gentle with them, and she truly cares about them. The mice and birds also love her, helping to prepare her dress for the ball. All off the animals help with her coach going to the ball as well.

Storm truly cares about her loved ones as well. Every day when she eats something yummy she sets a small bit aside to save for when her niece comes over (even if it is days away). She is an empathetic girl as well. Whenever I am not feeling well or hurt myself (even if I just stub my toe), she rushes to me to find out how she can help. Mostly giving lots of hugs and empathetic looks.

We went to a local chapel to take these pictures on the front steps. She wore her Cinderella dress that we got from a resale shop and her white gloves, headband, and necklace. She wore her white dress shoes with the low heel and her pearl earrings. I pulled her hair backing using a bun shaper and added her headband. I found this large clock with the Roman numerals on Facebook for free. I spray painted a white pumpkin with silver glitter. And I found this star wand and tiny glass slipper on Amazon.

Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Storm has dressed as Cinderella on October 17 every year of her short life!

You might enjoy Storm’s other Cinderella photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

3 Year Old Cinderella Preschool Photos

Disney Cinderella is such a classic fairy tale, and adding all the fun animals make it that much better. She was such a little lady today!

Cinderella is a great role model, showing kids to keep a good attitude even when everything is going badly. Such a mentally strong individual, she is polite and soft spoken when most people would explode. She is kind to animals and even to the people who mistreat her.

She is what I strive for in my own personal life and want to teach my daughter as well. Being elegant in time of torment is something that can only happen with God’s help. Storm is a very kind young lady, and learning everyday how to get along with people who are not so kind.

When we drove up to the location for our photoshoot; she pointed and said, “My castle!” We found her dress at a consignment shop and I bought the gloves, headband, and necklace to go with it. She wore some white flats with sliver flowers. She wore her white pearl earrings and I put her hair up in a bun with a bun shaper. The clock in the background was given to me on Facebook. I sprayed the pumpkins silver and found some ivy to go with them. AND… she loves her star wand!

Isaiah 46:4 says, “I will be your God throughout your lifetime—until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you”.

You might enjoy Storm’s other Cinderella photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

Baby Cinderella Photoshoot

She’s 6 months old… Time flies! We did Cinderella with pumpkins this October photo session.

She loves to be on her tummy, making it easier for me to get some cute pictures at this stage!

Such gorgeous eyes!

2 Year Old Cinderella Toddler Photo

Disney Cinderella is a good princess movie to start with because it has so many fun characters for littles. Storm likes watching the mice and cat in this one.

Cinderella is kind and gentle to all creatures, even to her family who treats her unfairly. She greets them all in the morning and does what they command her to do with a kind heart. She also loves all of the animals in her home and has made them her friends.

Storm is also very friendly. Whenever we are out at about; she will wave at people and try to talk with old men for some reason! She likes to hold our cats, and we are teaching her how to have gentle touches.

We found her dress at a consignment shop and I bought the gloves, headband, and necklace to go with it. She wore her white pearl earrings and I put her hair up in a bun with a bun shaper. I used white and light  blue sheet as the background and floor. I put the homemade cardboard stone wall that we used in our X-Men Trunk-or-Treat as part of the background as well. Then I used our ivy planter for decorations. The clock in the background was given to me on Facebook. I sprayed the pumpkins silver and found some ivy to go with them. AND… she loves her star wand! Bippity Boppity Boo!

1 John 4:10 “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

Below she is Cinderella 1 year apart in each photo…

You might enjoy Storm’s other Cinderella photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

14 Month Old Cinderella Toddler Photos

Disney’s Cinderella  is a typical “happily ever after” movie to introduce to the toddler. Cinderella’s dream is to build a better life, and she ends up standing up for herself to fight for a better future. Of course every Disney princess has a sidekick, and Jaq is such a loyal one.

Cinderella is a kind, attentive and graceful girl.

One of the songs that I sing to her is to the tune of “Mary had a Little Lamb”…

“Storm is a kind girl
Kind girl, kind girl
Storm is a kind girl
She’s my kind, kind girl”

We found this old church ruins to take her Cinderella picture this year. I also made a pumpkin carriage by carving a white pumpkin and adding blue jewels and a crown. The tiny silver clock that she is holding is from a thrift store. I also got her these silver  star magic wand to play with. Bippity Boppity Boo!

She wore a toddler Cinderella dress that someone gave to her. She wore this silver headband crown that we got for her baby pictures. She just started walking so she is wearing her soft sliver baby shoes with some white tights. She also wore her white pearl earrings.

Ephesians 4:32 “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”

You might enjoy Storm’s other Cinderella photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

Princess Carriage Pumpkin Carving

I got a white pumpkin with 2 little pumpkins to make a Cinderella Pumpkin Carriage for Storm. I also used the gem stickers to decorate it.

First we cut of the top and pulled out the pumpkin insides.

She tasted the lid before replacing it.

Then I carved a coach door and windows.

Next I added some blue gem stickers to the carriage and some sliver gem stickers to the smaller pumpkins for the wheels.

Last I added a Cinderella crown to the top of the pumpkin.


2 Month Cinderella Baby Photos

I chose Disney’s  Cinderella  for the October princess since there is a pumpkin in the movie. It makes me think of fall and I think it would be fun for future Cinderella pictures.

This cute baby Cinderella costume was given to her before she was born. I also bought her this silver headband crown.

I placed a light  white sheet for the background and then a fluffy baby pad for her to lay on. I love ivy and pumpkins. I wanted to incorporate the pumpkins, but I didn’t want to have bright orange in my magical fairyland; so I spray painted sliver onto some pumpkins and they turned out great! I found her these silver  star magic wand , glass slipper, and silver castle.

I used my EOS 2000D Canon Rebel Camera to take her princess photos. I also use my softbox photography lighting and backdrop rod to help.

Baby Princess Cinderella

Jerimiah 23:19 “See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.”

You might enjoy some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

Or some of her other Baby Photoshoots: