3 Year Old Jasmine Preschool Photos

We love the Disney Aladdin movie, from the songs to the animals!

What I love about Jasmine is her generosity and her integrity.  She cares about her people and doesn’t like to see the poor go hungry.  She gives the apple to the hungry children with no thought about the consequences.  She knows what’s right and wants to make her own decisions.

Storm is so kind and generous too, she is constantly wanting to share her things with others.  She tries to give her stuffy to her best friend, and share her food with everyone!  I also spend a lot of time teaching my children to stand up for what is right and to live with integrity.  We read the Bible and discuss what we read to help us learn right from wrong. One of the songs that I sing to her is to the tune of “Mary had a Little Lamb”…

“Storm is a kind girl
Kind girl, kind girl
Storm is a kind girl
She’s my kind, kind girl”

Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

Tiger is Storm’s favorite animal and she got a giant tiger for Christmas. Every time we go to the zoo she just talks about the tigers. I broke down and bought her a brand new Jasmine Costume this year. The rest of the props and back drops are all from thrift shops.

You might enjoy Storm’s other Jasmine photoshoots: 

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots:

7 Month Jasmine Baby Photos

7 months old already… she is so big! We chose Princess Jasmine for this month since it is still cold outside. I found some scarves at the thrift store to hang as my backdrop. Some gold canisters and jewlery too.

Baby girl is working on a tooth on that bottom left so she loves sticking her tongue there! It’s so cute too!

I still love it when she grabs her toes too!

She is still not very happy on her tummy!

She is the sweetest thing!