Disney’s Tangled is a family fun movie. Rapunzel’s dream is to see the floating lanterns, but first she will have to escape the tower. Of course every Disney princess has an animal sidekick, and Pascal is such a playful one.

Princess Rapunzel is a enthusiastic, passionate, and happy girl.
I like to sing an affirming song to her, I sing to her is to the tune of “Mary had a Little Lamb”…
“Storm is a happy girl
Happy girl, happy girl
Storm is a happy girl
She’s my happy, happy girl”

I hung a purple curtain from the background and made a banner to hand across it. I used my homemade cardboard stone wall that we used in our X-Men Trunk-or-Treat for part of her background as well. Then I found a candle lantern and some flowers for her to play with too. Her tiny frying pan with the sun star painted on it was a great prop for today. I found some giant scissors and some cut blond hair from an old doll to put on the floor! She loves to stroke my hair whenever I hold her, she also twirls her own hair while she falls to sleep.
She looked so pretty in her Rapunzel dress and Rapunzel bow in her princess bow set. She also wore her purple earrings from her multi color pack earrings.

Psalm 68:3 “But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.”

You might enjoy Storm’s other Rapunzel photoshoots:

Or some of her other Princess Photoshoots: