Memorial Day Unit Study

In this unit study we learned more about Memorial Day and the American Flag. This unit study has 3 days of lessons.  I did this study with my 1st grader and would recommend it for Kindergarten through 3rd grade.

Memorial Day Book List

Book can be read by the child or by the parent to the child, depending on the child’s reading level.

Books I used in the lessons…

Memorial Day by Trudi Strains Trueit

The American Flag by Tristan Boyer Binns

Other age appropriate books

Memorial Day Surprise by Theresa Martin Golding

The Impossible Patriotism Project by Linda Skeers

The Wall by Eve Bunting

The American Flag by Debbie L. Yanuck

The American Flag by Elaine Landau

Memorial Day by Sheri Dean

Memorial Day by Lynn Hamilton

Memorial Day Parade

We went to the parade in town for a little field trip today.

Here are some of our other Elementary Unit Studies: